Camp Charnwood
In week six of Term 1, the Year 7 students spent three days away at camp.The camp took place at Camp Charnwood in Lima East. Throughout the camp the students participated in a range of activities with the purpose of building teamwork skills and new friendships.
Here is what students from 7C had to say about the camp...
Camp was amazing. I enjoyed camping out for the night in a tent and cooking our dinner. I also loved the water activities and the bush walk up through Ned Kelly’s land. My year 11 leaders were really helpful and nice. They helped make things fun and enjoyable. Thank you Irene, Chelsea and Chris. Overall, it was an amazing camp and I hope the school keeps going to Charnwood. Saskia Cehun.
Camp was a great outdoor experience filled with adventures and activities to help adjust to the different setting. My favourite activity was the water activities that required teamwork skills. Overall, I really enjoyed the camp. Maggie Heath.
I enjoyed the two-minute noodles at the tents. The activities were fun and interactive especially the water sports. Overall, the camp was very good and I recommend that the school do the camp for years to come. Jack Hallam.
I liked the abseiling and the rock climbing because it’s not something you do every day. The food was great. You couldn’t ask for a better camp. Leo Varasdi.
I liked how I got to try new things like the abseiling. I also found out how to ride a gear bike. Chris Papastamopoulos.
I enjoyed every moment of this camp from the two-minute noodles to the water sports. I hope they keep this camp for the future year 7’s. Will Richards.
On year 7 camp, one of the great moments was abseiling as it was something new and I hadn’t done it before. Ole Kemp.
The thing I liked about this camp was the activities such as raft making, water activities and the game night. I also liked the camp because it was different from all the other camps I have been on before. Fleur Gordon-Carne.
I enjoyed camp because I was able to meet and bond with new people I didn’t expect I would. They are now good friends of mine. I also love camping. Camila Fontana Cordero.
Camp Charnwood was an awesome experience. I loved the mountain biking and camping in a tent was educational. Dimitri Gosios.
The best thing about camp was sleeping in tents. They were very comfortable and soft so I slept well. David Lu.
I enjoyed camp this year. I loved the water activities even though you got dirty. I also liked the night activities with the year 11 leaders. It wasn’t my favourite camp as it felt sort of like an exercise camp because of the long bush walk and the walk to the abseiling. In the end, I rate this camp a 7/10. Hannah Musgrave.
My favourite thing about camp was the water activities such as canoeing and crossing the wires over the lake. I also liked sleeping in the tents. Melissa Dalrymple.
My camp experience was exciting and fun. I met new people and did some things out of my comfort zone like abseiling. The water activities were fun. We played games in canoes and a game where two rafts had a battle against each other. This was my best school camp yet. Jacob Blowfield.
Camp was great. We went abseiling down a rock that was really fun. Aiden Johnson.
Some of my favourite things from camp were making the fire, rock climbing and the bush walk. Daniel Galati.
I liked all the games on the last night of camp. I also enjoyed camping outside and I learnt how to cook. Ben Thomson.
I liked the water activities and the abseiling. It was fun going outdoors and do things you don’t normally get to do every day. Scarlet Barnes.
The best part of camp would have to be the water activities and lighting a fire. I made new friends and achieved things I wanted to. Lotti Bogovic.
The camp made me do things I didn’t expect I’d do. It was a great experience. Ginger Habben.
My favourite thing about camp was definitely the water activities. From kayaking to rafting to raft building, all of the games we played were amazing. Eva Mossman.
My favourite thing on camp would have to be the water sports. I also made new friends, which was good. Sam Tillig.
I have to say that year 7 camp was an incredible experience for everyone. Whether you were scared of doing something and had to learn to push through your boundaries or extremely excited, it was fun for all. The camp leaders encouraged us to do things but if you really didn’t want to do them, they wouldn’t force you. Overall, camp was awesome! Maya Twigg.