Year 7 First Day
On Wednesday 31st January, the year 7 students stepped through the gates of Kew High School in their uniform, fresh and ready for their first day of high school. On this day, the students participated in a range of activities with the purpose of introducing them to their peers, teachers, the schoolyard, classrooms, and their peer support group.
The Year 10 Peer Support leaders lead small group games that encouraged them to socialise and connect with one another. These peer support groups assisted in the year 7’s smooth transition to high school and they still meet on a fortnightly basis to reconnect.
Students from 7G have recorded memories and first impressions from their first day of school.
I met many different people, lots of whom are still my friends. On the first day I was very excited, I met the teachers who were very friendly. I remember feeling very unorganised. Now I believe I am prepared, as I have got used to the school. Tiffany Dao.
I feel more comfortable with school now; it feels like my second home. At first, I was scared with how busy it was but now I’m used to it. Jasmine Harbison.
On the first day of school we waited outside with our heavy backpacks. I was very nervous coming to school and worried if I had forgotten something. Now I’m not nervous coming to school. Joe Qi.
On the first day of school I remember feeling unorganised because there were so many room switches. Now I feel confident because I know where all of the rooms are. Ringo Kojima.
On the first day I was quite unsure about what was going on. If I hadn’t made any friends on orientation day it would have been a lot harder. After a few hours I settled in and decided to focus on my work. This helped calm my nerves. Matty Hoy.
I was nervous about having to adapt to a completely new environment. Now it is familiar and I am excited to come to school every day to see and learn new things. On our first day we played soccer with our peer support group, it was fun. Harry Zheng.
I remember lots of people helping me find my way around. There were lots of activities to get to know each other and the treasure hunt activity really helped me understand where everything was. Although the treasure hunt was tiring, it was still lots of fun and I had a great day. Emily Wright.
On my first day of school I remember being really nervous. I was worried about having to find the right classroom for different subjects and having to find my way around the school. I soon found my way around easily and didn’t have to rely on anyone. Nellie Heafield.
At first I felt really far away from my family and sometimes I didn’t want to come to school but now I’m excited to come to school and I really enjoy it. It is different to primary school. I have met many new friends that I hope to keep for a while. At first, I was anxious and intimidated but now I’m excited and curious. Ella McNamara.