Games, LEGO, Cards, Crafts Club
This is an exciting and well-loved club running every Friday at lunch time. An average of 50 students attend to play a huge range of technology-free games.
Some of the favourite games include Chess, jig-saw puzzles, Lego construction, Battleship, and more.
Students enjoy the Chess and Connect 4 competitions. The Simpson’s Chess set is great fun to play with a particular mention to Oliver Mansfield and Daniel Galati who are enjoying the challenge, doh!
A fun time is had and often the noise level can be deafening. Many friendships have been formed across the Uno and Yugiyo Card game tables.
Many have tried to beat Games Captain, Robert Garner in Connect 4. Here he has successfully challenged Jess Kaur.
There is a great deal of social interaction happening and everyone is welcome to join in the fun.
We would love to see you on Friday at lunch time in Room 6.
Veronica Brunton and Jess Kaur
Games Executives