Mandarin - Mr Yang

大家好(da jia hao),

Junior level

We have recapped the topics learnt from remote learning since coming back to school. The students have reviewed the vocabulary about colours with the help of Mr. Xiongmao (Mr. Panda). We made a bookmark just like our panda mascot and we drew the flag of China and learnt the colours used for the flag. 

Middle level

Year two and three students played various language games in the classroom to understand how to describe directions and locations in Chinese. The competitiveness of games has driven the students to work really hard to remember the vocabulary and work as a team to achieve success. 

Senior  level

Students used their knowledge of different phrases and vocabulary learnt from semester to describe weather conditions in Chinese. They used simple sentence structure and also with the help of technology to create their short paragraph of weather report of a chosen city. Some of the students also made a great effort to film their speech to share to the rest of the classes. 

I want to congratulate on the effort and achievement of our students in their language learning journey this year. Despite the challenges we had during the year, our students have always been keen to learn and practise Mandarin whenever they can. 

I would also like to express my thanks and appreciation towards all the parents and carers for your support of our language learning especially during the remote learning period. 

With the passion and dedication, we will continue our journey onwards and make our Mandarin learning more enjoyable and fruitful. :)  

Xie Xie (谢谢!)

Mr. Yang