5/6 JC - RE

Ms Colyer

The second half of Term 4, 5/6JC along with the other senior classes have been learning about the season of Advent. This year we are taking part in an online program with Ms Eileen White and Anmaree Laccarino to discuss what we already know about Advent, explore new findings about the history of Advent, discover achievements of some Australian saints and reflect on how we each individually celebrate Advent. Each week, the students receive a challenge activity to complete in class and we will also create some art pieces including a countdown since Advent is a time of waiting for the coming of the Lord, and a wreath as we have learnt the meaning behind the colours and names of the candles that are lit each Sunday. In groups, we have made acrostic poems from significant Advent words. Here are a few pieces of work that we would like to share with everyone!