4/5 FA - student Led Conferences

Mr Anania

During this week, 4 / 5 FA prepared themselves for the upcoming Student Led Conferences held on 2nd of December. Students discussed that the Student Led Conference will be an opportunity to showcase our learning during Semester Two. 4/ 5 FA students used the application ‘Book Creator’ to upload their best work from different subject areas with a brief description of what they did. They also discussed that Student Led Conferences are a great way to improve our speaking and presentation skills.

Below are some comments from 4/ 5 FA students about how they feel about Student Led Conferences.

I am looking forward to showing my parents the work l completed in Semester Two. 

Quinn: I might feel a bit nervous when talking to my parents about my work. 


 Fanta: Student Led Conferences are a great way to share work with our parents and build confidence in speaking and presentation skills.