Round the classes 

Reception / Year 1: Mrs Measday 

For our unplugged STEM activity we read the story of Yertle the Turtle. We then built towers using different configurations of blocks. There were many good ideas and we tried them all but the best we could do was seventeen blocks high. We then built LEGO turtles and tried stacking them. Everyone had to be very gentle as the turtles kept breaking and they were different sizes and shapes. Eventually there were three and four turtle stacks. Success indeed!🐢

For sharing this week the class has been asked to design their most creative summer playgrounds. We have 3D models, plans, Minecraft models and intricate drawings. All we need now is some summer sun.☀️


Reception / Year 1: Katie

We have been learning how to add more detail to our narrative stories. In maths we have been learning about symmetry. This week we are going to begin our learning on data and graphing. As part of design and technology and HASS we have been learning about natural and man-made landmarks and this week we will attempt to design and make our own. 

Finally last week as part of our work with the Kimochis we learnt about the frustrated feeling. 


Year 2/3 class: Stephen

We have been using the Green Screen as part of our ICT learning. We have been very creative with our pictures. We had to cut ourselves out from a photo and impose the picture onto another image off the internet. See the results below.


Year 2/3 class: Kelly

This fortnight the children have been learning about procedure writing. Being explicit and clear about their step-by-step instructions was certainly a challenge when we were making strawberry jam sandwiches. They enjoyed the challenge and persisted with how clear the instructions needed to be. With the second procedure writing task, the children had to use images to show the step-by-step instructions. I think they found this easier.

In maths we have been revising telling the time and problem solving with multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.


Year 4/5: Lizzie

Our class has been working making guitar props for the end of year concert.

In maths this term we have been learning about area and perimeter, time (am and pm, 24 hour time and how to read timetables).

In our reading comprehension questions we have been focussing on identifying what type of text the writing is (narrative, persuasive, information report, poetry etc) and finding the evidence to our answer choice.

In HASS we are continuing to work on our projects. Students have chosen a country to research and prepare a presentation for next Wednesday. 


Senior class: Sallie

We have been working on chance and data (lots of dice rolling) and looking at graphs and co-ordinates in the  last two weeks in maths. 

For English and HASS we have been working in pairs to create a Powerpoint presentation and quiz for the class on Our Government.   We then had Rebekha Sharkie (the federal member for Mayo)  come  to our class and run a mock parliament session (the topic was that "homework should be banned").   Because of the debating and persuasive writing practice we have completed over the year I thought the students did so well with so many points for both sides being brought up. 


Next Tuesday Mel Hunter is taking our girls knockout tennis team to Tea Tree Gully  for the SAPSASA knockout tennis finals. The team is Jayda, Taylah, Miley and Tegan.  Last week Jayda, Taylah and Lachlan represented our district in the state tennis competition. Well done to all players. 


Science: Zac

Over the last few weeks in Science, the 6 classes have been looking at a range of chemical reactions to go with our Chemical Science topic. A favourite for a lot of the classes has been the reaction between baking soda and vinegar, to make Bottle Rockets or Elephants' Toothpaste. 


P/E: Zac

In PE, the year 4-7 classes had a short focus on Touch Football. We looked at the different rules, skills & movements that transfer across into other sports. The R-3 continued a focus on throwing and catching, adding in moving into position to catch the ball and kicking a stationary ball in the games of 'Kick It' or following on from the Rugby focus from off the cone. 


Indonesian: Ibu Susan 

The 2 older classes have been looking at the geography and culture of Indonesia. They have completed mapping challenges and watched a documentary about a boy from West Timor.

The younger classes have enjoyed reading the Indonesian version of Cinderella called The gift of the Crocodile. Instead of a fairy godmother there was a magic grandmother crocodile!


Gardening: Jo

The weather and ground temperature is still a little cool for planting directly into the veggie patch so the 4/5 students are  learning about mini glass houses and how they work. They are planting spring vegetable seeds including carrot, tomato and cucumber. We are hoping they will sprout in around 10-14 days.