Principal's Report

Welcome Back to Term Two

I would like to warmly welcome everyone back for Term 2, 2018. At our school, we place a great importance on extra curricula activities as well as academic success. This week, I am particularly looking forward to the results of our swimmers in the State Swimming Finals on Wednesday. It is an outstanding effort to reach this stage of the competition. I look forward to the results of the students participating. Another exciting extra curricula event is the biannual Variety Show. Falling in between the years of whole school productions, it is an opportunity for students to showcase their performing arts talents, and for our student leaders to take a strong role in organising a major event. The rehearsals will begin in earnest this term and I wish all participating students well.


After the Parent Teacher Student Conferences at the end of last term, some students may have found that they need to spend a little extra time, or get some more assistance, in order to ensure that they have satisfactory learning growth. A key factor in this can often be if students have missed some days of school for one reason or another. We have a 90% minimum attendance policy because we know that student learning has a strong correlation with attendance. A good way to redeem attendance, and catch up with required learning, is to attend Homework Club or WAR.


Homework Club is an after school homework area run in the library from Monday to Thursday from 3:10 till 4 p.m. It is for students in years 7-9 and aims to provide a quiet and well resourced learning space for students to complete work and homework, study, and prepare for exams. Maths and English tutoring is available on Wednesday nights at Homework Club.


WAR (Work And Redeeming attendance) runs from 3:20 till 4:30 p.m. Monday to Thursday, and provides a study and work environment for our senior students, years 10 to 12. WAR is run in D12 and is supervised by one of our Staughton teachers who can assist with work and maintaining a productive environment.

Whole School Term Two Key Dates

Please note that the dates that were distributed in the recent reports had a mistake in them.  The Student Free Day is Thursday, May 3 not Thurs day, May 2.


Monday April 16                           First day Term 2

Wednesday April 25                    Anzac Day

Mon April 30 - Fri May 4             Literacy Week

Thursday May 3                             Student Free Day

                                                              (Staff focus: improvingstudent learning)

Tues 15th May - Thurs 17th    NAPLAN

Friday May 25                               Africa Day and Athletics Carnival 

Mon May 28 - Fri June 1           Samoan Language Week

Tuesday June 5                            Engaging Parents in Career Conversations                                                                (EPICC) Night

Monday June 11                           Queen’s Birthday                 

Friday June 29                               Final day Term 2


Important Note: CSEF applications will be closing this term. Please ensure all paperwork is complete to avoid missing out.





We, at Staughton College, would like to show our respect and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is situated, of elders past and present. We extend a warm welcome to everyone who visits our school.