
Welcome to the 17th edition of the College Newsletter. 

Introducing the 'Class of 2026'

This week, Year 7 2021 students attend the College to complete their three day Orientation Program.  Students had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the life of a Secondary student by attending Taster Classes in Art, HSIE, Maths, Science, STEM and TAS, watching a Music presentation, and building House culture by participating in team-building exercises through House challenges.


We look forward to these students beginning their journey as a secondary student at The Riverina Anglican College in 2021!

Students Leaving the College


If your child is leaving the College at the end of this year to attend another school, start formal training or commence working,  formal notification is required via an email to the Principal and Enrolments Team, providing the final date of attendance and destination school/organisation. 


Parents/Guardians and student also have the responsibility to complete a 'Student Clearance Form'.


Students who are Under 17, that will be commencing an Apprenticeship or Traineeship also need to complete a 'Parental Application for Exemption from Enrolment at School Form'.  You will be issued a certificate to provide to the Training Organisation.


Forms and further information about leaving the College can be found on our Website.


If you have any questions, please contact the College office on 02 6933 1811 and your enquiry will be directed to the relevant staff member. 

Apply Now for Year7 2022

If your child is in Year 5, now is the time to commence the enrolment process for Year 7 2022.  


Interviews will commence in February 2021. Application Forms are available on our website

Junior School Enrolments

Would you like to know more about our Junior School?

Enrolments are open for Kindergarten, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 4.


If you would like to find out more about the learning philosophies and how we are offering an education like no other in the Riverina, book a meeting with the Head of Junior School to discuss learning opportunities for your child in 2021.


For more information visit our website: or contact

Kylie Chacon - Head of Junior School

Phone: 02 6933 1811 


Remembrance Day

Caitlin Rodham and Inigo Bardos joined with other Wagga Wagga High Schools’ student leaders at the RSL Remembrance Day Ceremony at the Victory Memorial Gardens on the 11th November.  Caitlin and Inigo discharged their duties with the respect and dignity that the occasion demands. 


The occasional address at the ceremony was delivered by Brigadier Stephen Jobson, who has recently seen service in Operation Resolute in Afghanistan.  Brigadier Jobson reflected upon the horrors of WW1 and the loss of life, using examples of men from around this district who had answered the nation’s call.  He indicated to the assembled that the 11th November is no longer Armistice Day, but Remembrance Day, commemorating the service of personnel from all wars and peace keeping operations.


Although COVID restrictions were in place for the ceremony, a healthy crowd was in attendance.  Both Inigo and Caitlin represented the College in a manner in which we can feel proud.

Mr Colin Wright | Head of Department -  History

Annual Anglicare Food And Toy Drive

The Riverina Anglican College annual appeal for the Anglicare Food and Toy Drive is well underway here at the College. Students can bring in donations to Homeroom each day, until the end of term. The contributions will help families in Wagga that are in need and will bring some Christmas joy this holiday season.


You can read more about the Food and Toy Drive on the Chaplain page.

First Nations Bedtime Stories Challenge

The First Nations Bedtime Stories is an initiative that has taken place in homerooms this week. To promote discussions and awareness about the culture of the First Nations people, the Bedtime Stories challenge invokes this in a fun and engaging way, for everyone to appreciate and enjoy - whilst becoming more informed about the cultural significance that Dreaming stories hold. We believe it is important that we uphold and share the culture of the traditional owners of the land.


We are sharing "The Lost Joey", in homerooms and would like to invite families to continue taking part in the viewing of future stories over the course of the week with the following link:…


We would also encourage a donation to Commonground, as the donated funds help sustain the project for years to come.

Year 10 Food Technology Street Food Festival

On Friday 27th November, students have the opportunity to tantalise their tastebuds on a trip around the culinary world during the Year 10 Street Food Festival.


The students will be cooking five unique handpicked recipes from all over the world including gluten-free and vegetarian options. So tell your friends and head down to the BBQ area outside Room 21, at lunchtime, for a culinary experience!

French Club

Last Tuesday, Madame Lenehan organised a French café where students could enjoy some delicious French delicacies. To do so, they had to order their food in French and then, they could savour their meringues, pains au chocolat, palmiers, brie and camembert, croissant jambon-fromage, and other food items. 

A big MERCI to Mme Lenehan for her organisation and to the students who were brave to order their food in French. 

Madame Vignas | Head of Department LOTE 

Year 7 Visual Arts - Tribal Masks

Following on from their unit based on ‘Portraits’, Year 7 students researched tribal masks and made their own a detailed clay mask. Students decorated them in detail with acrylic paint, beads, string, shells and feathers.

By Gilbert Ruwald
By Jack Kingham
By John Kirolus
By Maddi Thomas
By Ruby Bolton
By Zali Wheatley
By Gilbert Ruwald
By Jack Kingham
By John Kirolus
By Maddi Thomas
By Ruby Bolton
By Zali Wheatley

Lindie Mannion | Head of Department Visual Arts

Congratulations Zac Barnhill on being signed with a European Cycling Team

We are so very excited for Year 11 student Zac Barnhill, who has been signed by a European Cycling team (Ljubljiana Gusto Santic) commencing in February 2021.


A huge congratulations to Zac, and we wish him great success as he pursues his international cycling career. Perhaps we will see Zac on the Tour de France in years to come!


You can read more about his achievement on the Daily Advertiser page:…/barnhill-signs-with-s…/

College Term Dates for 2021

Term 1 commences 

Secondary school - Wednesday 27 January 2021

Junior school - Thursday 28 January 2021

Term 1 concludes - Thursday 1 April 2021


Term 2 commences - Tuesday 20 April 2021

Term 2 concludes - Thursday 17 June 2021


Term 3 commences - Monday 12 July 2021

Term 3 concludes - Friday 17 September 2021


Term 4 commences - Tuesday 5 October 2021

Term 4 concludes - Wednesday 8 December 2021

Year 12 AU Revoir Dinner 

On the 26th November, Year 12 will celebrate their Au Revoir Dinner at The Range Function Centre.  An email has been sent to Parents/Guardians with all the information regarding the event. 

Elevate Education - Free Online Webinars for Parents

Elevate Education is hosting a free webinar series for parents on preparing their children for end of year tests and exams. 


The series is entitled: Empowering Parents to Reinforce Study Skills at Home. The remaining webinar details are below.


Technology - Wednesday 2 December at 6pm.


Register here -


Elevate are a global education organisation that helps over one million students to improve their study skills and boost academic performance. You can learn more about them at

Uniform Shop Price List

Uniform Shop Extended Trading Days - Term 4/January Holidays

Please find attached details for the extended trading days at the Uniform Shop, during Term 4 and January 2021.


Normal term times will be in place up to Thursday 19th November.  


Extended trading times will commence from the 23rd November. 


Please note: New students will need to make an online booking.  Existing students do not require a booking.

Dates for new student bookings will be provided on our website in the coming weeks.


Further information such as online ordering and the updated Price List can also be found on the College Website under For Parents/Uniform Shop.

Eastern Service Road Closure / Access to Uniform Shop

Construction of the Junior School has resulted in the closure of the Eastern Service Road that leads to the Uniform Shop.


A new service road is under construction and it should be completed in due course. Until this road is completed, all visitors will need to park at the front of the College near the Administration building. 


Please contact the College should you require assistance.

Alex Sarantakos | Head of Operations

Junior School Term 4 Events 

Orientation Day Years 1-6

Year 6  12/11 Thursday

Year 5  13/11 Friday

Year 4  16/11 Monday

Year 3  17/11 Tuesday

Year 2  23/11 Monday

Year 1  27/11 Friday


Little TRACers- School Readiness & Orientation Days

Little TRACers- 25/11 Wednesday

Little TRACers- 26/11 Thursday

Little TRACers- 30/11 Monday

Little TRACers- 1/12 Tuesday

Little TRACers- 7/12 Monday

Little TRACers- 8/12 Tuesday

Parking at the front of the College

Please be aware that Farrer Road in front of the College is now a no parking zone. Some parents have been choosing to pick up students or park on Farrer Road. It is now marked with a solid yellow line. Disobeying this “No Stopping restriction” can result in a fine of $257, or a fine of $330 and two demerit points in a school zone. 

Please use the designated Parent Pickup Area.

Trevor Howard | Deputy Principal - Head of Campus

This month on SchoolTV - 'Raising Boys' 

Many parents will attest to the fact that most boys are active, loud, rambunctious and prone to rough play, but this should not affect how a parent acts towards their son. Be careful not to pigeon-hole your son into sex specific behaviours or gender roles. The male brain is distinctly differently in its development. A boy’s physical maturity is often at odds with his mental and brain development.


Societal beliefs about how to raise boys can sometimes influence their adult carers. Although we are not determined by our biology, it is a factor. It is important to support boys in their natural tendencies and nurture their strengths and abilities. Teach them the skills they need for their future and to develop a healthy identity. It is important for boys to have a role model they can connect with and acknowledge who they are. One of the most important determinants for a boy’s development is how secure they feel growing up.


In this edition of SchoolTV, adult carers will gain a better understanding into some of the more complex issues relating to raising boys. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback.


If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help. Here is the link to this month's edition

Have you downloaded the Compass Parent Portal?


All families should have received an email inviting you to download the compass School Manager for Parents. This communication platform is a secure site where you can access an array of information about your child/children. 


If a student or anyone in their family presents as unwell, the student is to stay at home.


Sickbay is closed and will be limited to those students with a diagnosed chronic condition only. 


Any student who presents as unwell will be sent home immediately.

Driving to School - Year 11 and 12

Students in Years 11 and 12 who wish to drive to school, need to ensure the following steps are taken and agreed to before students are permitted to drive to and from the College.


• Complete a 'Driving to School Permission Form' (see attached), and return the signed form to the College Office for processing.

• Taking Passengers - Any student travelling in the car of another student will be required to complete the 'Passenger Permission Form' (see attached), and return the signed form to the College Office for processing.


The College recommends that siblings be permitted and, at most, one other authorised person.


Vehicles must not leave the College during the day without the student/s signing out from the College Office. 


Driving to School Forms:

Driving to School Policy

Driving to School Permission Form

Passenger Permission Form

College Office

Absence Process

Student absences should be reported to the Compass Parent Portal, preferably by 9am. 

Do you need to update your contact details?

Have you moved address or had a change in your family circumstances and need to update your contact details?


If you have changed your contact details recently. We urge you to contact the College office to update your phone numbers and email, so if we need to contact you urgently we can do so.


Please email

with your current details.

Medical Action Plans

If your child has a Medical Action Plan please ensure that the College Office has an up-to date copy for the student's file and Sickbay. 


If you need more information, please contact the Office on 69 331811 or

Long-term Absences

If the student will be absent for more than 2 weeks (10 school days), an application to the Principal is required via the Application for Extended Leave - Vacation/Travel Form prior to departure.  Once this document is completed by the Parent/Guardian, please return to the College Office for processing.  You will then receive a Certificate of Extended Leave - Vacation/Travel.


Students who will be absent for shorter periods of time (less than 2 weeks) are also required to supply written notification to the College.


All student absences should be reported to the College via email

Important Dates

Term 4

Monday 23 November - 27 November

Uniform Shop Open - Additional Trading Days - 8.00am - 4.00pm

Thursday 26 November - Year 12 Graduation Dinner

Monday 30 November - Friday 4 December

Uniform Shop Open - Additional Trading Days - 8.00am-4.00pm

Friday 4 December

Last day of Term for ALL students

Monday 7 December

Staff Development Day

Tuesday 8 December

Staff Development Day

Monday 7 December - Friday 11 December

Uniform Shop Open - Additional Trading Days - 8.00am-4.00pm



December/January Holidays

Monday 11 January - Friday 15 January

Uniform Shop Open - Additional Trading Days 9.00am-5.00pm

Monday 18 January - Friday 22 January

Uniform Shop Open - Additional Trading Days - 9.00am-5.00pm

Monday 25 January

Uniform Shop Open - Additional Trading Days - 8.00am-4.00pm

Wednesday 27 January

Uniform Shop Open - Additional Trading Days - 8.00am-4.00pm

Term Dates


Term 1 commences 

Secondary school - Wednesday 27 January 2021

Junior school - Thursday 28 January 2021

Term 1 concludes - Thursday 1 April 2021


Term 2 commences - Tuesday 20 April 2021

Term 2 concludes - Thursday 17 June 2021


Term 3 commences - Monday 12 July 2021

Term 3 concludes - Friday 17 September 2021


Term 4 commences - Tuesday 5 October 2021

Term 4 concludes - Wednesday 8 December 2021