The Friends of TRAC – reimagining the P&F in 2021 

With the arrival of 150 new families in 2021, I am excited to announce that we will look to establish The Friends of TRAC early in the new year. As many of you will know, the previous iteration of this – the P&F had been disbanded before I arrived in 2017. A small band of hearty souls and I made a valiant attempt to resurrect this body, but it folded permanently in 2018.


The Friends of TRAC will be a voluntary organisation which supports The Riverina Anglican College to fulfil its aims. The Friends of TRAC will take on the responsibility for building the College community through the families of students attending the College and will endeavour to expand this community and support network. It will also raise funds through various events held during the year which can be used to support the College. 


The Friends of TRAC will meet monthly to provide a forum for our families to bring ideas forward on ways to build the community, channel questions about the College and discuss ways of improving the physical environment for both current and future students. It will provide the community the opportunity to find out what is going on at school and what the plans are for the future. 


Being part of The Friends of TRAC will not be just about helping with fundraising, it will also allow parents to become more meaningfully engaged in the College community and to make new friends with other College parents. It will also give parents the chance to get to know the College Senior Executive. 


I hope that we will hold our meetings on the second Tuesday of the month in term time, beginning at 6.00pm in the Junior School.  Early in 2021 I will be in touch to let you know pertinent details.

Parent Survey – Student Wellbeing

On Wednesday 25 November we will go live on Compass to seek parent feedback regarding student wellbeing programs at the College. On this day all parents will be notified how to access the survey and I would encourage all families to take this opportunity to engage on this important issue. This information will assist the College to prepare for 2021 and allow for the Heads of House to gain further insights into the needs of students and families.

Year 7 2021 Orientation

We have had another exceptional 

Orientation Program for our incoming Year 7 team for 2021. From the House Meetings to the Inter-House Sport – the Academic Testing to Taster Classes, all of the students and staff had a brilliant time.


Students spent the majority of their time with their new House mates and were accompanied by the House Prefects and College Captains throughout the three days. The School Leaders acquitted themselves brilliantly and once again demonstrated outstanding character and leadership. All of the staff who prepared the taster lessons enjoyed the opportunity to mix with the new Secondary School students and show what their classes might be like in 2021. 


I would like to thank all people involved for their efforts – students, staff and parents. 2021 will be an amazing start to a journey of learning, growth and friendship and the three days this week were the perfect beginning!







Paul Humble | Principal