Year Two 

Communicating with the Year Two Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2020, and welcome your input:

Julie Hall (Class 2A)

Stacey Bowles (Class 2B)

Julie Hall
Stacey Bowles
Julie Hall
Stacey Bowles

An Overview of our Learning

During this term students have had the opportunity to participate in many writing activities.


Mrs. Hall and Miss Bowles are so proud of how the students engaged in the writing task where students were asked to use a picture prompt and write a creative story!


Following from their stories using a prompt of the historical Forest Park Home on the school grounds as a prompt, the students used a prompt of a space picture to stimulate their imagination. We have been using an editing list as a prompt to remind students what to look for when editing, ensuring improvements in their imaginative writing.


Students have been concentrating on neat, well formed letters in handwriting sessions, copying passages describing water parks, stars, apples and cookies. 2A loved the passage describing the cooking and eating of cookies. 2B loved the passage describing stars. We are so proud of how well all of the students have been working at their handwriting! 

During InitiaLit Grammar sessions students have been learning about talking marks and contractions and where to use them. Students have been working hard during grammar lessons to apply these new concepts into other pieces of writing. 


All writing tasks have also given Miss Bowles and Mrs. Hall an opportunity to see where our students are at and what our teaching focus will be for the remainder of the year. 


Julie and Stacey

Take Home Readers!

Take home readers have begun this week. Please note that in order to do this in a Covid-safe way the structure of take home readers has changed. Students will be given readers to take home on Monday. They will then be expected to bring those readers back each Friday. Returning the readers on a Friday will give the school’s contract cleaners an opportunity to sanitise the books, ready for safe distribution on the following Monday. Students will not have the readers over the weekend.

Please read with your child nightly, making a note in their student diary. 

Important Dates:

  • Friday the 27th of November - Data and Assessment Day