Out and About the School

Staffing 2021

We are currently organising staffing for next year and once we do, teachers for 2021 will be announced to the community. However, we can announce now that Sharon John is returning to St Xavier’s in 2021 as our Leader and Mentor of Learning in the Infants classes. This is a new position aimed at putting as much expertise and support into the younger grades as possible to give them the very best start to school life and learning. We are very excited to have Sharon back at St Xavier’s. Her knowledge of how children learn and her ability to mentor teachers is outstanding. 

Year 6 Farewell Plans

We have organised a day out at Lake Keepit for our graduating class who sadly have missed a number of special events this year. Information regarding all the details will be sent out shortly. The date is Friday 27 November and the cost will be approx $67.00 per student. 

The Year 6 students will also celebrate Mass in the school Hall on December 10. There is enough space to have a Graduation Mass with parents whilst socially distancing from each other. Following the Mass and after the adults leave Year 5 will join Year 6 for a disco and pizza. 

Mr Thurbon and Mrs Jaeger are also planning a pool party and movie event later in the term. More information will follow as dates are secured and plans finalised. 


Paper Bags

If you have any of these Woolworth paper bags at home, could you please donate them to Ange Jensen for an art project. Just drop them to the front office.


The canteen is still in desperate need of more volunteers. This service can only be offered 5 days per week if we can find more helpers.

You are only required to be rostered on one day per month for about 4 hours. 

If you would like to join the team, please contact the office.

The following days need help:

1st and 5th Tuesday of the month

1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday of the month

1st, 3rd and 4th Friday of the month

Uniform Shop

Bus Zones- Do not ignore!!!!!

The front of the school (outside the office) is a Bus Zone between the hours of:

8.00 am - 9.30am and

2.30pm - 4.00pm

It is illegal to pull up and/or park here. A parking ranger has been monitoring the area and some hefty fines have been issued.

Everyday we watch with disbelief and frustration at the amount of parents who ignore the law and put their children's lives at risk by pulling up here....yes, we can see you!

Please, please, please use Kiss and Drop in the laneway to drop your child off in the morning. If you are running late (after 8.50am) you must park your car in a legal spot and walk your child to the office to sign them in.

Kiss and Drop

It is so fantastic to see so many parents using Kiss and Drop in the afternoons. Please be mindful not to let the queue flow into Bloomfield Street. If you arrive in the queue and you are forced to flow into Bloomfield St, you  may need to drive around the block. 

Thank you so much for your cooperation.