The Chaplaincy Team


As 2020 draws to a close, it's a great time for students, parents and staff to reflect on their experiences and celebrate the steppingstones that have led us all to make progress.  Huntingtower has had many successes this year, all worthy of celebration.


We can certainly celebrate and be sincerely grateful for the fact that our students were protected throughout this unusual year. Yes, we can celebrate that all our students are perfect and constant reflections of God. 


We can celebrate the fact our students are expressions of unlimited intelligence. They have no limits.  


Having high expectations, we can celebrate the fact that our students can and will achieve in their own way.


Throughout the particular challenges of 2020, we have been able to celebrate the visible expressions of uplifted thought on campus. For instance, when we returned to school we found the garden in full bloom.


We can celebrate the ways in which this year has made us more connected, more community-minded, more thoughtful and more kind.


We can celebrate the gratitude shown by parents and students towards our staff for the tremendous dedication, resilience and creativity they showed in supporting each and every student this year.


One parent wrote the following: 

'My prayer for the Huntingtower staff as we step out of this chapter of our collective story and into the next is that amidst the inevitable tinges of sadness and fatigue, overwhelmingly you will feel appreciated, understood, loved and supported.'


In expressing their thanks, another parent wrote: 'I feel as though our girls have achieved the same or even better education this year than they would have if there was no such thing as Covid 19. They were both very satisfied with how the whole program was conducted and felt that they actually had more time to do their schoolwork and homework without the downtime of time outside of the classroom on a normal school day.'



In conclusion, the year is coming to a close and summer holidays approach. What a special family time it will be. The Chaplaincy Team extend their very best seasonal greetings to you all for a wonderful, safe, peaceful and joyous Christmas and New Year.