Sustainability Club News

Bamboo, is it better than plastic?

Bamboo is a great alternative to plastic. It can grow without fertilisers or pesticides and is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. Bamboo is usually harvested within 3 to 5 years after planted and can grow in a variety of different environments.  


One of the main features of bamboo is that it’s 100% biodegradable! It only takes 3 years to decompose compared to 450 years for plastic (and even then, plastic cannot be broken down into organic matter). This reduces the impact on landfills, is better for soil quality and reduces the number of leftover/unusable by-products during production! Bamboo can offer many of the same properties as plastic, it is durable, versatile, and strong. So why not make the change?


Instead of using these plastic items, try using these bamboo ones instead  

  • Bamboo toothbrushes  
  • Bamboo chopping boards  
  • Bamboo hair brush  
  • Bamboo cleaning tools

Athina K - Year 12

Environmental Captain