Deputy Principal's Update 

“Change is the end result of all true learning"

Leo Buscaglia

Dear Parents,

We are very excited to have everyone returning next week.  With that in mind we need to continue to operate under strict guidelines, including the need to manage our traffic flow and those who are onsite.

Please see the details below that will be in operation from next Wednesday the 3rd November as all grades return to school.


Traffic Plan

Please drive slowly and carefully


8.30-9.00am - All students to bottom carpark gate for drop off 

Please have students with bags in laps if you can, and once in the pick up zone and stopped, students can exit the car-we will have staff to assist where we can. 


Pick Up Times

Hall 3.15 - Preps and older siblings 

Back Gate 3.15 - 3/4 & their 5/6 siblings, no siblings in P-2


Hall 3.25 - 1/2's and older siblings


Back Gate 3.30 - 5/6's without siblings in younger grades


As per last year, please do not come earlier than your pick up time as students will not be there and you will need to re-queue at the correct time so as not to hold up traffic.

Please park at the side of the street until entrances are open so that traffic can move through Hinton Street safely.


Students who are walking/riding and at Aftercare will be escorted from the front office. Students who are walking and being escorted by a parent can be met in front of the Church OR near the supervised school crossing.  

Please send an email to Mr. Perry (me) at if your child is walking or riding on any day so that we can make sure they come to the office area.


We hope that this will change over coming months so that we can go back to our usual pick up methods.  If you have a grandparent/relative coming to pick up please let them know about the above arrangements.

Please move safely around our drop off and pick up areas for the safety of students and staff.


As always if there are any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us at school.  


Darren Perry