Primary Department News


The Preps and 1/2 team have had a wonderful start to Term 4, using our ‘Offline Learning Grids’ to reduce screen time and get everyone moving around at home and onsite. We have also had our Friday weekly check in with the whole foundation cohort over Microsoft Teams, where students at home can choose to log in at 1:00pm and see their friends, teachers and classroom ES. Teachers have also been calling homes once a week to chat to parents and students which has been amazing to have one-on-one time with our students. We are loving seeing the online work our students are producing, although we can’t wait to see everyone in person again!


It has been a different start to the term however, our 5/6 cohort have been doing a wonderful job on all of their Seesaw activities. This week, they have begun their learning in our new Term 4 units. These areas include, addition and subtraction, data, procedural text, phonological awareness, comprehension and push and pull. Students have also been completing activities on sun safety as we move into a warmer term. The 5/6 teachers are really proud of the students and all of their efforts, and are also extremely appreciative of all of the support that our families have been providing our students. Have a look at the wonderful work they have been working on this week.