A Message from Our School Council President
Hi everyone,
I hope that you're doing well. How wonderful is it that we're starting to see school return back to learning onsite - it's certainly been a tough few months! It's an exciting time for us at AGPS as we work on our new Strategic Plan for the next 4 years.
The recent months have seen the leadership team and I, along with 2 other School Principals in the west, worked with a consultant on forming our Strategic Plan. This Strategic Plan identifies learning priorities and execution over the next four years for AGPS.
We have met with staff, students and parents, observed classes and teaching practices (onsite and online), analysed our Naplan results, survey results and other data sets, including attendance. Last week, all of this helped us identify our goals for the next four years. I am really excited for what our school and children can and will achieve.
I would just like to thank all the parents that joined the focus group last week - I appreciate that being online after a day of remote learning wasn't easy. However, it was a really insightful and positive meeting and confirmed just how much of a wonderful community we have here at AGPS.
A big thank you and well done to the leadership team too! All your hard work and preparation paid off and I think we have some really exciting challenges ahead. I also can't go past acknowledging our awesome teaching team - it wasn't easy having strangers pop into your online meetings and then work through a bank of questions in the middle of remote learning, but our challenge partners and consultant got to see just how lucky we are here at AGPS. Thank you!
I am really excited to see how our school will go from strength to strength.
Victoria Reynolds,
School Council President.