School News 

OSHC fees 2022

The Governing Council has voted to increase OSHC fees in line with wage increases for OSHC staff. These fees will be in place from the beginning of 2022. 

The fees are: 

Session  Current cost2022 cost
Before School$17.00$18.00
After School$25.00$27.00
Vacation Care$55.00$58.00
Vacation Excursion$70.00$73.00

Sockable Fundraiser

Thank you for all of your orders for our sock fundraiser to raise money for Katie Martin and Kelly Charlton's classes! There are still a number pairs of socks for sale. They are $6 and are available from the front office.

A Note from Emily

Have you ever thought about how being creative can help your well-being? Not only can this be seen extensively through the practice, and many forms of  Art therapy. The ‘Creativity and Wellbeing Hallmark Research Initiative’ is a study on how ‘creativity can help us to live happier, healthier lives'. I have attached the article below if you are interested in reading about it. I have so often heard people, young and old say “I'm just not a creative person”, however, creativity can take many forms, not just through traditional art methods. It could be the way you solve a problem, music, the design you create for your garden, a new way to create something new. So, in what ways can you be creative? Start by thinking about what you enjoy, why you enjoy it. Our creative methods flow from things we enjoy and are passionate about. Some creative methods that boost my wellbeing are origami and rock climbing. Both challenge me, strengthen me, calm me and fill me up, however, they couldn’t be more different from each other. My challenge for you this term is to find something or some way to express your creative side, then I want you to check in with yourself about how it makes you feel during and after.

Creative and Wellbeing Research Article;

Take care this weekend! :)

Emily Morgan, Pastoral Care Worker 

Uniform reminder 

We have noticed students wearing a few items that really aren't part of our school uniform: 1. Leggings are ok to wear under dresses, but not on their own, as part of our school uniform. Students can wear navy track pants or any other plain navy pants. 

2. Coloured hair accessories are not part of the uniform - school colours only please. 

3. Boots and lightweight sandals are really not suitable for school wear. Sneakers are the best choice for school, since classes participate in physical activity every day.  


We understand it is a busy time of year and it's not always easy to find alternatives,  so organising these changes for the beginning of next year is fine. Thank you! 

Notice of Annual General Meeting

We will be holding our AGM in term 4 this year, so that we are ready for the start of the new year. If you are interested in joining the Governing Council, please ring me at school on 8390 3209 so I am aware about your intention to nominate prior to the meeting.

The AGM will take place on Monday November 29 at 7pm in the staff room of the school, followed by our final Governing Council meeting of the year.  

COVID restrictions

Some COVID restrictions have now been lifted. Yay! 

Here are the current recommendations from the Department for Education:  

  • Parents, volunteers and visitors are welcome in schools and preschools providing COVID safe measures are in place and followed.
  • All parents and visitors are required to COVID-Safe check in when entering buildings and practise physical distancing from other adults.
  • It’s recommended that parents and other visiting adults wear masks when entering school or preschool buildings. This includes volunteers.
  • Masks are not required outdoors if adults can physical distance. This is consistent with community mask use requirements.

What does this mean for us? 


Pick up and drop off

  • In the morning please continue to drop children off at one of the entrances to the school grounds, and allow them to make their own way to their classrooms. If you need to speak to your child’s teacher, please make contact through the SeeSaw app.
  • You are welcome to come to the front office at this time for school business (with the COVID restrictions outlined above), but please do not visit teachers or students in their classrooms so they can get ready for the school day ahead.
  • As long as you socially distance from others as outlined above, you are welcome to come back into the school grounds to meet your children at the end of the day, and children are now once again allowed to play after school until you come to collect them.


  • We are now able to invite all parents to attend our assemblies.  Please wear masks, physically distance from others and QR code as above.

 As always, students and staff must stay home if they are unwell. Please err on the side of caution. 


Students are being asked to fill up their drink bottles from taps in preference to drinking directly from the taps, so please make sure they have a labelled bottle every day.