Erin Whyte Awarded the McWaters Medal

The Riley House McWaters Medal

The McWaters Medal is an award won by a student of any year level who demonstrates the values of Riley House; By Our Deeds, We Shall Be Known. These values were actively promoted and lived by the long-serving and respected former Head of Riley House and Head of Student Wellbeing and Pastoral Care, Mr Rick McWaters.


This year's winner is Erin Whyte of 12 Riley.


Erin is pleasant, friendly, extremely positive and helpful, a little ray of sunshine in roll call and HT every day.


Over lockdown and remote learning, Erin has always been present on every zoom, full of enthusiasm and a gorgeous smile


Over the years at school, Erin has always been described as reliable, dependable, friendly and willing to lend a hand and help someone in need.  She can be relied on to include others, especially those on the fringe of a group. She is a very emotionally intelligent young lady and demonstrates tremendous empathy and warmth.


Erin has a cheerful disposition and always looks on the bright side of life.


Erin is very proud of her family and talks of them in an unashamedly loving manner.


She is a dedicated and determined student with an excellent work ethic.


She has been an active participant in all Riley events, co-curricular activities and community events over her years at Girton.


We all could do with a bit of Erin in our day - especially in the last 18 months, and she will be sorely missed as she moves on to more incredible things.


Erin is undoubtedly a student who upholds the Riley values of By Our Deeds; We Shall Be Known.


Ms Joanne Christie

Head of Riley