65 Wattle Street

Coming back to school after lockdown fatigue

Term 4 is usually one of celebration, looking forward to summer holidays and feeling refreshed after the spring holidays. Instead, many students may be coming into Term 4 feeling fatigued from remote learning, unmotivated and feeling isolated from their friends.

To begin, it is important to recognise how your fatigue symptoms are displayed. Everyone experiences fatigue differently and we need to appreciate different presentations that our friends and family may display as well as an understanding of what fatigue looks like for ourselves. 


Some common symptoms of fatigue include;

  • Lack of motivation
  • Wanting to be by yourself
  • High levels of exhaustion
  • Finding it difficult to concentrate
  • High levels of stress
  • Procrastinating
  • More irritable or angry
  • Change of appetite
  • Change of sleep patterns (more or less sleep)
  • Feeling disorganised

Ideas that could assist during this time

Looking back

The first factor we need to address is that lockdown has been challenging, and Victoria has experienced one of the most extensive lockdowns in the world. Students and teachers have had to constantly adapt to learning remotely and as a result,we have been looking at screens for many hours a day. As well as learning remotely, students have been socially isolated, which developmentally is very significant, as adolescents are programmed to connect more to their peers to help the individuation process. 

These two significant factors have led to many students feeling fatigued and we all need to recognise that this is a very normal outcome given the situation we are currently living in. Accepting and normalising these experiences and symptoms of fatigue is important for all of us, so we can give permission to be kind to ourselves and others.


Moving forward


When we feel fatigued, often the first things that are impacted are the most important. Getting into good sleeping habits and routines, especially as the school routine is kicking in, is essential. Eating regularly and having healthy food on hand is also important to help, as not having enough energy due to lack of food intake can lead to feelings of fatigue. Exercise is another huge factor that can have a positive impact on energy levels and also release endorphins to help boost your mood. 


The Co-connect 3 initiative that is being run on Friday lunchtimes, is a great way to connect with friends as well as many of the activities being offered in the areas of exercise (lunchtime walk, soccer skills) and sleep (mindfulness and yoga). 


Study habits

Getting into good study habits and routines can help motivate to complete homework and study at regular times and build up good habits. Once a routine is established and kept consistent as possible, it will be easier to feel motivated to complete work.


Connection with others

It has been challenging to stay connected with friends remotely as there is nothing better than face to face social interaction. Be aware that many young people have been feeling isolated for a long period of time, and everyone will take time to build up those friendships to where they used to be. Be kind to yourself and others during this term, as it is going to be a slow process of feeling connected like you used to, but it will happen. 

Using the Co-connect 3 program is a great way to establish new connections or reconnect with friends over a diverse list of activities. 


Getting support

There are many people who can help at Girton, including House Tutor’s and Heads of House. If you would like further support, the team of psychologists and school nurse at 65 Wattle can assist with confidential counselling. Referral forms are available at the 65 Wattle Astra page. 


Brydie Huggins

Senior Counsellor



Girton students are invited to come and join us in 65 Wattle for some brief mindfulness and breathing exercises to help reduce stress and anxiety. These activities will commence in week 2. We hope to see you there!


Warm regards!

65 Wattle team