School Council Update

“Hi Parents and Carers ,
We held our second to last School Council meeting this week, and spent some time discussing our school values and behaviour, among other things.
Some of you may be aware that here at Upper Ferntree Gully Primary School, we are in the process of implementing a new program called 'School Wide Positive Behaviours' (SWPB).
The aim of School Wide Positive Behaviours (SWPB) are many:
· Reduced problem behaviour
· Increased academic performance
· Improved perception of safety
· Reduced bullying behaviours
· Increased time for instructional leadership
· Reduced staff turnover
· Improved social-emotional competence
· Increased positive school climate and culture
It is a framework that supports the needs and culture of the school, and is a process which takes time to implement - we are in year 1 of what is usually a 4 year program. It's exciting to be part of the implementation of new ways of doing things, but this can also cause concern for some; because it’s a change from the what we are used to. I would like to think that as a community, we will all get on board and be supportive of our new approach, to make the overall outputs a success. Please speak to Tabitha if you have any questions about this program.
Last night during our school council meeting we did lots of the boring stuff, like approving finance reports and contracts for new photocopy machines (boring for us; exciting for staff!), but we also discuss broader topics, like Buildings and Grounds, PFA and Education sub-committees. We have some exciting things happening around the school in the coming months, so keep an eye out for continual improvements, such as a shelter for our waiting area out the front of the school, sanding and polishing of the floors, and painting of the walls of the Multipurpose Room, and hopefully some other small things to brighten up our grounds. Another exciting event is that our new Sensory area outside the Prep room is finally finished and it’s a great asset to our school.
Keep an eye out for the improvements popping up, and know that lots of work is going on behind the scenes to make it all work. 😊
Thanks for reading,
Karen Coulson,