Upper Ferntree Gully Awards

Student of the week
F Benya for being consistently respectful and kind towards others and for always trying her best
1/2 N
2/3 D Kieran - for having a more settled week and for having a go at your work! Great work!
4/5 D Sienna C - for having a growth mindset!
5/6 CS Lily - for her positive attitude, great sense of humor and the respect she shows towards others.
Maths Awards
F Blake for always working well with others while playing Maths games!
1/2 N
2/3 D Zoe - for always trying your best and staying on task during maths! Keep up the great work!
4/5 D Chloe - for trying hard with your maths testing.
5/6 CS Audrey - for her effort and focus in all areas of Mathematics.
Writing Awards
F Tyler for a fantastic improvement in his writing over this term.
1/2 N
2/3 D Isabel - for all of your hard work to help improve your writing! You have done a great job!
4/5 D Charlotte - for working hard on your house captain speech!
5/6 CS Benson - for his use of talking marks in a narrative. Well done!
Japanese Award
5/6 CS Ben - for mastering all the letters on the last half of the Hiragana chart and won the 'Gimkit' challenge! Great effort!