Principal's Report

Classes in 2020
We have had many discussions around classes for next year and the teachers that will be working in them. While we endeavour to ensure that there are no changes made sometimes it does happen. Mrs Shem Nicol will be taking Term 1 and 2 as leave in 2020 returning in term 3 and 4. We wish her all the best on this break.
2020 Teachers
Foundation/1 - Danielle Donovan
1/2 - Stephanie Davies
2/3 - Amy Cheers/Lisa Maxwell
4/5 - Sophie Hendricks (Term 1&2) Shemsa Nicol (Term 3&4)
5/6 - Dori Pattison
Visual Arts - Danielle Hogan
Science - Kimberly Campbell
Music - TBC
Physical Education - Jorden Adnam
Japanese - Masae Uekusa
Crazy Sock Day
In the past we have raised funds for our grade 5 and 6's through a variety of ways. This year they will be holding a Crazy sock day and a Tasty treat stall for the students. It will be a gold coin donation and tasty treats will be available from a cost of 50c to $1. Crazy sock day will be held on Thursday 12th December.
Stop, Walk, Talk
As part of our Schoolwide Positive Behaviour implementation we are currently teaching STOP, WALK and TALK as a way for students to manage issues in the playground and students not treating them with RESPECT.
There are three key elements to the STOP WALK TALK system.
1- Stop!
Students discover the importance of making a direct request to “stop”. They understand, where possible and appropriate, how to share how the action made them feel. This is a critical step that communicates to the person that what they are doing is not okay.
2- Walk!
Students learn that when they feel they have been bullied or are not being shown RESPECT and the situation is not improving, they need to “walk” away. This is an important step to end the behaviour and not give the person 'fuel' or 'oxygen' to continue.
3- Talk!
Children are taught recognize when and how to effectively take action by reporting concerns to an adult.
Christmas Concert
A reminder that the school Christmas concert is next Wednesday 11th of December. We will also have our regular visit from Santa! So wear your Christmas clothes and come along. We will wait and see weather permitting the best space for the concert.
Have a great week everyone.