An opportunity to make a contribution
At the end of the financial year, families and friends are invited to make a tax deductible contribution to Preshil, which benefits enormously from these gifts.
Many parents also contributed to the voluntary Preshil Building Fund and we have been able to see the results across the School in improved grounds and facilities at both campuses. Since last year we completed many significant projects including the:
- External refurbishment of the Blackbox theatre
- Renovation and refurbishment of the Technology building
- Extensive landscaping and improvement to the grounds across the Senior School
- Removal of the Kalimna hedge and preparation for replanting
- Re-organisation of the Arlington classrooms and extensive paving of external areas
- Completion of The Pines sustainability landscaping project
- Installation of IT presentation equipment in most classrooms
- Initial refurbishment of the Art rooms at the Secondary School
The projects we would love to tackle are:
- Resurfacing of the Arlington ‘Football Field’
- Continued conservation of the heritage Arlington buildings
- Refurbishment of the Music spaces at the Secondary School
- Completion of refurbishment of the Art spaces at the Secondary School
- Remodeling and refurbishment of the upstairs areas in Kalimna
- Acquisition of a new school bus
- Rehousing and replacement of lockers at the Secondary School
- Ongoing projects to improve the amenity of the grounds at both campuses
As this financial year draws to a close, we invite you to make a contribution of an amount that suits you and to specify which particular project you might like to support. You may choose from the list above or through one of the following avenues. Many of the projects are quite modest and small contributions provide inspiration for what can be achieved. While the School will allocate funds for these projects their completions would be transformational! We hope that you will consider contributing to one of these projects.
Building Fund
Your gift to the Building Fund allows us to keep improving our learning environment and to conserve the significant buildings for which we are responsible. Our building fund ensures our students can enjoy truly fit-for-purpose facilities which accommodate an active student voice, performances and exhibitions.
Preshil Foundation
The Preshil Foundation actively encourages philanthropy amongst the School community to help preserve, develop and improve the facilities and wellbeing of the School. Through long-term investments, the Foundation exists to ensure that Preshil remains at the forefront of progressive education in Australia.
Scholarships and Bursaries
Your support for Scholarships and Bursaries allows us to welcome families who add to the diversity of the community and to provide a safety net for current students who experience temporary financial hardship.
Please make your selection below and complete our Pledge Form. Our Business Manager, Bryce McLean will be in touch shortly.
Thank you
On behalf of the Preshil School Council and the Preshil Foundation, thank you for your ongoing and generous support. Please complete our Pledge Form here and our Business Manager, Bryce McLean will be in touch shortly.