Our Alumni News

Melbourne Musicians
Frank Pam (Alumni, Cohort 1954)
'Mid Winter Brilliance' Concert
Please join Frank and The Melbourne Musicians for a beautifull program of popular masterpieces by two of the greatest composers Beethoven and Mozart and with three outstanding soloists Marcela Fiorillo, Mi Yang and Rosemary Ball.
3pm, Sunday 17 July
James Tatoulis Auditorium
207 Barkers Road, Hawthorn
Offering Arlington to a wider audience...
Learning Environments Australasia Conference
Dr Ben Cleveland (Alumni, Cohort 1992) - Conference Chair
Cressida Batterham-Wilson (Alumnae, Cohort 1988)
- Site Visit Guide
Last month Arlington hosted a site visit as part of the 2016 Learning Environments Australasia Conference. Close to a hundred international and interstate architects and school designers visited our primary school, which has long been regarded as a model for architects and educators looking to challenge the factory stereotype of schooling and provide spaces for children as actual people who learn through exploration, collaboration and creating. That has not been the message conveyed by rooms where children are required to remain in their place, face the front, get on with their work and stop talking…..
Cressida Batterham-Wilson (Alumnae) shared a few of the visitors’ comments:
Lovely to see how philosophy of learning comes through.
Fantastic atmosphere. You can see/feel the real benefits in giving students a comfortable learning environment. Autonomy and self-direction give the chance for character building.
Very humbling experience. Respectful design for its real users.
It is good for us all to be reminded of how blessed we are to inhabit this environment and the daily experience of seeing our children flourish.
Through The Looking Glass
Emma Borland (Cohort, 1985)
Congratulations to Emma and her partner Mark Ammermann for their recent successful application to The Artist in Residence Program through Creative Victoria. The project commences in term 3 and runs through to term 4 at Silvan Primary School. Emma has also just completed a graduate certificate in Autism Studies.
Please visit their website to see more of their amazing work at handmadeglass.com.au
Food For Thought
Daniel Ingvarson ( Alumni, Cohort 1985)
""One thing which has stuck with me that might be of interest back to the current students is almost half the students from the 1985 class started businesses, and here's the funny thing, we had virtually no computers at the school but three of us started IT businesses and I started the education focused Internet company in AU. Showing its what we learned in terms of resourcefulness and self-motivation which put us ahead. food for thought anyway"
Preshil has continued to ensure that computers don't dominate classrooms or the approach to teaching and learning. Computer technology has continued to be subservient to creativity, critical thinking and a deeply embedded culture of questioning current trends, fashions and assumptions. Even in this technology saturated world relationships, respect and individuality still rule.
The Wellness Research Run for Cancer - 11 September
Matt Falla (Alumni, Cohort 1985)
"My cancer journey started on August 21st 2013 with a diagnosis of an Adenocarcinoma tumor in my left sinus, a result of my exposure to wood dust over 25 years as a cabinet-maker, carpenter and Builder. My first surgery was on September 18 to remove the tumor; I initially spent 2 months in the Austin Hospital mainly on Neuro Ward 6 West, having 3 endoscopic surgeries, 2 craniotomies and a tracheotomy. The tumor had grown into my brain cavity requiring the removal of bone and replacing it with a graft sling, complications resulted in meningitis, an infection in my brain space and pneumocephalus which nearly proved fatal, I was also in ICU but I don't remember how long as I remember very little of those two months.... I’m really excited and hope to be well enough this year to join in The Wellness Walk to continue to say thank you and hopefully raise some money."
You can read Matt's story here on the Every Day Hero website and help support his fundraising efforts.
Matt worked on the Blackhall Kalimna build and is a cabinet maker.