Year 8 News

Year 8 Fundraiser
In Term two the student leaders of Year 8 organized a fundraiser with the RSPCA. Year 8 students were asked to bring towels, bowls, toys without stuffing and blankets. After five weeks of fundraising, we collected four boxes of goods to donate to the animal shelter. On Wednesday 1st of August the Year 8 leaders went to the Pearcedale RSPCA and delivered the items. The students then met the animals they were helping who were Maverick the kitten without a tail, Lucy the Coonhound, Zhethyr the Blue Healer, along with Goat the goat and Paul the Rooster.
Sarah Wallace, Scarlett Baker, Lauren Baensch
Debating Team
It has been a busy year for the Senior Debating Team. After fighting hard against schools with older and more experienced debaters, they gave it their all for the final debate of the year. Their hard work and effort has paid off, letting them end the Debating season on a win! The topic for the evening was “That we should introduce an inheritance tax”, with our team taking the negative side of the argument. Congratulations to Sam Howes, Sarah Wallace, and Hayden Summons for speaking on the night, and also a thank you to Lauren Baensch and Pearl Gordon (Year 9) for their contributions this year.
Leap Excursion to Body Worlds
On the 15th August, the year 8 and 9 Leap Science classes went on an excursion to Body Worlds Vital. Body Worlds Vital presents a special collection of specimens designed to show visitors the basics of human health and wellness. The exhibition includes whole-body plastinates, a large arrangement of individual organs, arterial and organ configurations and translucent slices that give a complete picture of how the body works. Dr. Gunther Von Hagens, the founder of Body Worlds uses real human bodies that have been donated to him, he preserves them through plastination.
It was an intriguing experience because we got to see bodies and body parts the way they are in our own bodies. At school we can only do this through looking at books and the internet, so to see human bodies in real life was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Vivienne Floyd and Melody Johnson 8TH