Assistant Principals' Report

Simon Jones
Assistant Principal
Years 10 - 12
Our year 12 VCE students, as well as a significant number of Year 11’s, are now doing their final preparations for their VCAA written examinations, which begin with the English exam on October the 31st. All students have been provided with a copy of their individual exam timetables and need to ensure that they arrive at school at least 20-30 minutes before the start of each exam. Students have been informed of equipment that is allowed in each exam as well as exam room rules and regulations. Students have undertaken a thorough program at school to ensure that they are ready to perform at their best in the exams including holiday revision classes, practice exams and revision lectures. Of course, students should have been studying consistently at home as well in the lead up to their exams. Students need to consider their individual exam timetables and work out the best way to prepare for each exam, as some students will have clusters of exams and others will find that they may be more spread out, depending on their program. I wish all students well with the upcoming exams and believe that the school has prepared them very well throughout their senior years so that they can face this challenge with confidence and a high degree of familiarity.
Students in Years 10 and 11 are in the process of completing their studies for semester 2. We have only a short time left before final submission of work and then move into revision before the end of year exams. Students will receive their individual exam timetables and need to ensure that they present on time with required and allowable equipment. These exams replicate and build towards the Year 12 VCE exam experience as far as possible so that students are getting as much preparation as we can offer. Students with clashes or requiring rescheduling of exams must see their Head Of Year or Ms Bastin well in advance to arrange this.
Final progress reports are now available on Compass and it is vital that these reports are read carefully and acted upon where necessary so that the transition to the next year of schooling is a smooth one. Students are required to demonstrate that they have the right attitude, skills and effort to progress to the next level and this is not automatic.
As always, we will run a Jumpstart program to complete the year where students begin next year’s timetable with new classes and teachers, as far as possible. Work in the next year level begins in earnest and it is expected that all students who will be returning in 2019 attend this program.
It is certainly a busy term, however it always seems to pass quickly so it is important that students and parents are familiar with key dates and what lies ahead. These things can be found on the College calendar on our website and also on Compass.
Andrew Wynne Assistant Principal
Years 7-9
As we head towards the end of term with the days slowly getting warmer and longer, it is worth reflecting on the achievements of our junior students over the last few months.
The Year 9 students are now in the process of choosing their future pathways through the subject selection process. This is an important stage in their lives, pointing our young people towards their future. I am pleased that so many are opting to choose VCE subjects as part of their course, giving them challenges and preparing them for the rigours of Year 11 and 12. I am extremely proud of the Year 9 students, they are a fine group of young people and it has been a privilege to work with them over the last three years.
The Year 7 students have now really settled in and are embracing the values and programs of our college. They have participated in the Wakikiri, have been involved in the musical program and a myriad of sporting and cultural events. They are developing into a cohesive and high performing group and they will continue the fine tradition of our college developing fine young people.
There have been two major events in which our junior students have been involved, that have demonstrated the strength of our programs and the talents of our students. The performance of our Wakikkiri group was simply outstanding. Months of rehearsal and hard work by the students and teachers culminated in an outstanding performance progressing to state level. Well done to all people involved. I look forward to going to the performance in St Kilda to see how we progress.
Our Aerobics team performance was equally outstanding. After travelling to Queensland to compete against teams from all over the country, they came second overall. This again reflected the hard work and dedication of all those involved.
Most pleasing this term however, has been the attitude and hard work of all our students. While such special events are the “icing on the cake”, the core purpose of our college is for students to strive for their individual best and become great citizens.
Well done to all!
Chad Ambrose
Assistant Principal
Learning and Teaching
Term 3 really has started off with a bang! In the first week of term hundreds of students and their families attended the Senior Careers Expo, which aimed to expand student’s knowledge of the pathway options available to them in Year 9-12 and beyond. Following the Expo all students had the opportunity to select their subject choices for 2019, an exhaustive process where students receive individual course counselling and advice around their subject choices. Undertaking such a process is always a challenge and it can be particularly challenging for students who may not have any idea what vocation they want to pursue. Our aim is to offer a broad program across Year 9-12 where students can pursue their passions, but also where they can access a broad program that keeps their options open. The preparation and thought that students had already put into their choices prior to attending course counselling was exceptional and this, along with the efforts of staff, ensured the process ran extremely smoothly and effectively.
In week three a large representation of our 2019 Year 7 students and families attended the LEAP Information Evening. The LEAP Program is the Learning Enhancement Acceleration Pathway, which is a program specifically developed to address the needs of academically gifted students who share a love of learning and high aspirations. LEAP students in Year 7 / 8 undertake two languages (both Japanese and Indonesian) and in Maths, Science, English and Humanities the focus in on developing students higher order thinking skills. In Year 9 /10 the focus of the LEAP Program is to provide high performing students with access to electives that will challenge and engage them. It should be noted that in Year 9/10 not all students who access more advanced subjects are from the Year 7/8 LEAP Program, as other high performing students outside of LEAP are able to access these same subject choices from Year 9 and beyond.
In 2019 other areas that we are currently developing include the Enhancement Programs we offer before and after school. Keep an eye on the Dromana College website for further details of the Enhancement Program offerings for 2019.