Principal's Report

Term 3 has developed into another rewarding term with much activity taking place within the school, both at an academic and co-curricular level. The preparation for the student courses in 2019 has commenced and it was fantastic to see so many parents at our Year 12 Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) Information Evening and the Year 12 only Parent Teacher interviews. Similarly our careers and pathways expo evening was well attended by our Dromana College community. The pathways structure and subject choices for students from Years 9 to 12 can be complex, and I would encourage all students and their families to get fully involved in this process and utilise our pathways staff and information evenings.
As has become our tradition at Dromana College, we commenced this term with a Whole School Assembly, the focus of which was on acknowledging student success and participation; Congratulations to the Dromana College Aerobics
Teams who made it to Nationals where the Senior Team came third and to Jamie Hale who received the 2018 Pierre De Coubertin award. The Pierre de Coubertin Award recognises secondary school students who demonstrate values which are consistent with the Olympic Movement through participation in sporting activities.
Cambodia Study Tour
Dromana College senior school students had the opportunity to visit Cambodia and help within the community. The purpose of this tour is for the
students to work closely with a local community to develop their intercultural awareness and empathy for those living in often challenging developing world conditions. This experience most definitely improved each students’ appreciation of how fortunate they are to live in Australia and the satisfaction that can be achieved by helping those who are less fortunate.
The tour also improved student engagement and wellbeing promoting opportunities to develop students leadership skills and implement programs designed to strengthen the students voice and promote learner autonomy and self regulation.
The team eagerly participated with the community project; construction and vegetable gardening, and really enjoyed the local lifestyle. I particularly love their 'Thought of the Day', which shows genuine reflection and maturity.
Thought of the Day
'Cultivate a simple lifestyle of few desires, that way you always have more than enough money'.
Love Your Body Week
Dromana College celebrated ‘Love Your Body Week’ (LYBW) commencing Monday 6th – 10th August, 2018. Love Your Body Week is an annual campaign run by The Butterfly Foundation that aims to promote positive body image by celebrating body confidence, acceptance and diversity.
A number of activities were planned throughout the week for staff and students including a photo booth, healthy breakfast, open mic session, school assembly and a lunchtime meditation. All activities were successfully undertaken and contributed towards creating a vibrant atmosphere of health and self-care at the college. All students participated in a pastoral lesson using evidence based resources to address issues such as body image and self-esteem. Feedback provided by staff and students was overwhelmingly positive.
Congratulations to the student leaders and our well being team on a successful and fun "Love your body week".