
Year 8 Debating Team

On the 26th of February…3 debaters rose! Noah Lazzaro, Oscar McKenna and Stefano Torre won their first ever debating competition against three Haileybury Year 9s. Oscar received the best speaker because of his cheesy jokes…They made everyone cringe. The topic was “That we should place a limit on cars for each household.” St James was on the negative, so we were against the topic. The First speaker was Noah Lazzaro, the second speaker was Stefano Torre and finally the 3rd Speaker Oscar McKenna. Let me give you a glimpse of Oscar’s cringey jokes. “Stefano gave us a little Honk on the steering wheel.” But all jokes aside, we all had a spectacular time, it was a great experience and we all hope that our debating journey will be a long one!


Noah Lazzaro