Learning Diversity

'I CAN' 2020

St James College is proud to announce the 5th year of the ‘I CAN Network’ program at St James College.

Chris Varney, the founder of the program and the St James College Mentor, is an inspirational man, who is on the Autism Spectrum. Chris will be mentoring our program throughout 2020. Supporting the mentoring group, will also be some St James College, Trainee Mentors.

The fortnightly mentoring sessions are designed to assist young people in identifying and embracing their individual strengths and developing their leadership qualities. It focusses on teamwork and saying ‘I CAN’.                                                                                                        The concepts that are covered during the fifteen sessions are communication, interpersonal skills, planning and organisation, innovation and stress management. The sessions are held in a safe, welcoming environment.

The ‘I CAN Network’ program nurtures acceptance and is based on a particular set of values:

We are positive.

We enable.

We are open.

We are gutsy.

We build networks.

We value integrity.


St James College is looking forward to being part of the “I CAN Network’ once again.

For more information please feel free to access the ‘I CAN Network’ website link below, or contact Mrs Mary Rainsford at the College. mrainsford@sjcbe.catholic.edu.au      9575 8123


‘I CAN Network’ Website  www.icannetwork.com.au


Mrs Mary Rainsford

Learning Diversity Leader

St James College