Chevalier Institute - A New Heart and a New Spirit

Maryanne Gustus 

Whilst this is a Library report, I am opting this week to share my recent Retreat opportunity.  More Library news will continue in our next Newsletter.


Chevalier Institute: A new heart and a new spirit.

As a staff member at Monivae College we are blessed to be offered the opportunity to attend Staff Formation days and Retreats. These are lead by the wonderful Anne McAtomney (and her team) of the Chevalier Institute. Their mission is to facilitate and support lay, adult faith formation in the Chevalier Family’s Spirituality of the Heart.

Last week I was fortunate enough to experience my second Retreat at St Marys Towers in Douglas Park, NSW.  Our own Mr. Danny Franc, Director of Mission, co facilitated the Retreat with Anne, we were a group of nine participants representing our four MSC schools in Australia.


This particular retreat entitled "Love: the Heart of Creation", is a follow on from the initial “Journey to the Heart” which I experienced previously.

The Heart Room at St. Marys Towers.
The Heart Room at St. Marys Towers.

For me, to be at St Mary’s Towers in the glorious peace of this historical and natural environment, is a most treasured experience. With Love being the center point of Jules Chevalier’s mission, the time away from one’s work, family and life commitments, to be nurtured and cared for, is an amazing gift we are given from our Schools. 

Reflection, contemplation, silence, guidance and care are provided in a gentle and supportive environment.  As the days progress one is able to delve deeply into their own self, perceptions, beliefs and lived experience.  Personally this type of activity I love and embrace wholeheartedly, but I do also acknowledge that for some it can be challenging and confronting.  May everyone truly know how equally accepted and loved they are.

The meeting of staff from other MSC schools in Australia was wonderful and by the weeks’ end we were all firm friends, connected by our roles in MSC Schools.


I will finish with these words from James Maher: The Way of the heart


A Spirituality of the Heart is a way of living – 

A way of being in the world.  It is a journey to be travelled (with others), 

It is an energy that sustains and moves us, a dance in which we are participating.

It is a way of being in the world, in relationship to self, others and God; 

A way of coming to rest within ourselves, at our deepest core.


Maryanne Gustus 
