Principal's Message

Good afternoon parents and carers,


Well we did it, a seven day turnaround from being flooded to having the school operational for students and staff to return for learning.  It took a lot of helpers and support from Fire & Rescue NSW, staff and the incredible restoration team from Cowans.  We still have a long way to go before the school is back to pre-flood conditions, with the drying of learning spaces (and the canteen), removal and replacement of contaminated soft-fall from around our play equipment and the replacement of flood damaged equipment and resources to commence soon.  All that aside, it was wonderful seeing our students return on Monday and get stuck back into learning.  Thank you to our parent community for their messages of concern and support over the past fortnight.  It's great to have so many people thinking and praying for us.  I will continue to keep our parent community informed regarding developments as a result of the flooding as more information comes to light.  This communication will be distributed through our Compass parent portal.


I would like to formally welcome Miss Georgia Macmahon to the St Philomena's Learning Community.  Georgia is joining us from O'Connor Catholic College, where she was employed as an Educational Assistant and Lasallian Youth Leader throughout the college. Georgia is currently studying a Bachelor of Nursing at UNE (online), but has a passion for supporting young people in achieving their learning potential while making strong connections to their faith, and developing their relationship with Christ.  We look forward to the contributions Georgia will make with our students in our Secondary School. Welcome Georgia!


Please keep in your prayers our Year 3 and Year 4 students who will be celebrating their First Holy Communion on Sunday.  We wish them and their families all the very best as they continue their sacramental development and strengthen their relationship with Christ.


Have a wonderful and safe weekend.



God Bless,


Jamie McDowall