
Josy Reeder

We have the Australian Dental Health Victoria Van visiting OLA on the 

14th -17th March. 

The S.R.C. is our Student Representative Council at OLA.  This group of students represents student voice within our school.  By empowering students, we enhance student engagement and enrich their participation in the classroom, school and community. We help students to ‘own’ their learning and development, and create a positive climate for learning.

Their role involves actively participating in planning and delivering well being lessons to all classes. Students are elected into the S.R.C. by their peers to represent the wider student community.  Students who have been an SRC member at OLA cannot be nominated. The teacher asks the children if they would like to be nominated to stand up and their names are written on the board. The class then votes a boy and girl from the list  on the board. The teacher counts the votes and announces the 2 children who will be SRC for 2023.

ClassSRC Names
Prep CHAriel S & Rian O
Prep FLGrace A & Jack M
1/2CESophia K & Zac A
1/2MVIsabelle W & Iggy N
1/2KMLuci N & Patty WS
3/4STZoe K & Nathan V
3/4TREden F & Cruz W
5/6NCAlice W & Vincent R
5/6GOGiselle W & Kosta M
5/6SPNatalie M and Alessio P


For Parents and Carers of Prep and Grade 1/2 children. 


Creating Confident Kids Workshop - Family Life

Please see attachment for more information. 

Josy Reeder

Wellbeing Leader