From the Chaplain

I am one of those people that is not that great in the morning and has more energy in the evening.  I weirdly go on my treadmill at 9 o’clock at night sometimes.  I love taking my dog for a walk at sunset or in the dark. On Sunday night I went for a walk on the boardwalk. 


There was a lot of lightning and small rumbles of thunder that broke through the silence and dark skies.  We walked down to the little old lighthouse and I imagined the eight children who once lived there and wondered how they survived.  We sat on the rocks and watched the lightening flash across the water in the distance.  It was an amazing, peaceful demonstration.  It made me think about how beautiful God’s world is and how creative he has been. All these beautiful sights he has made for us to enjoy and prove his existence.  There are numerous bible verses about the magnificence of God’s creation, such as: 


How many are your works, Lord!  In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. 

There is the sea, vast and spacious,    teeming with creatures beyond number -  living things both large and small. There the ships go to and fro,    and Leviathan, which you formed to frolic there. 

Psalm 104:24-26 


Here it says God created things ‘in wisdom,’ suggesting that he made them with great skill and insight and that everything he has made has a purpose.  From the waves, the lightning, the gulls, the frogs and the lizards I saw on the boardwalk; he knows everything about them, where they have been and their purpose. This, of course, includes us.  We all have a purpose and a future as we have been uniquely crafted by God.   


Mrs Naomi Cooper | Chaplain