From the Deputy Principal

Parent Information Sessions and P&F Sundowner

This Friday marks one of my favourite events on the school calendar, the P&F Sundowner, which commences at 6.00pm in the Pratten Centre Courtyard.  I so enjoy meeting new families to the school, connecting with parents and having an opportunity to actually talk, rather than having passing conversations in the car park or at events where I am otherwise engaged.  Please come along to this 18+ event to enjoy some fun conversation and connection.  The Sundowner follows our Parent and Guardian Information sessions, which commence at 5.00pm.  The Primary School session will commence in the Multi-Purpose Sport Complex and the Secondary School session commences in the Hall.  I'll look forward to seeing you all there.


P&F Fridge Magnet Calendar

The P&F Calendar which outlines important school dates for your calendar has been distributed to the oldest child in the family this week.  Please ask your child for it, when you get a chance.


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal