National Youth Science Forum
During the summer holidays, Year 12 student, Lara Trevaskis attended the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF). This 10-day program offers a combination of in-person and digital events. It provides students with opportunities, such as tours of Science and Technology facilities, learning about cutting edge technologies, learning more about university STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) career pathways and engaging with industry and research partners.
The NYSF attracts a diverse range of students from all over Australia. In 2023, 41.5% of participants were from remote and regional areas of Australia, and 61% are young women. It is an accessible program, with many scholarships offered to assist students with the cost. These are offered via many Rotary Clubs, and equity scholarships made possible by a number of NYSF partners and donors. Here is what Lara has shared in regard to her experiences.
"My highlight of NYSF was the four days I spent in Melbourne visiting multiple universities, including Monash University in Clayton, Melbourne University and Monash Pharmaceuticals in Parkville. I attended lectures ranging from computer security, environmental advancements and functions involved in Chemistry.
I also had the opportunity to visit the Peter Doherty institute of Immunology and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute. While at the Peter Doherty institute I met Peter Doherty himself, Nobel prize winner!
I enjoyed meeting like-minded people, as well as getting an inside view of the lab environment and how they are working for a future in research.
Thank you to the Shepparton South Rotary club for their endorsement and the scholarship which enabled me to be attend the NYSF."
The NYSF occurs in January and is open to Year 12. If you are currently in Year 11 and have a keen interest in Science, then please head to the NYSF website to get a notification when the 2024 registration open
Mrs Beattie is happy to assist you with the application process. Lara is also happy to chat with any students who are interested in the program about her experiences.