Mobile Phone Usage at School

'Studies show that Australians spend one third of their day in front of screens, and for Americans, looking at screens occupies nearly half of their day.
However, a growing body of research suggests that any more than a couple of hours in front of a screen can have a damaging impact on the brain – particularly when it comes to cognitive functions.'
                                                                                                           by The Educator 24 Mar 2021


We at Baimbridge College understand that students may bring a personal mobile phone to school, particularly if they are travelling independently to and from school. In line with the Ministerial Policy ( which was implemented in 2020, Students who choose to bring mobile phones to school must have them switched off and securely stored during school hours. 

In the case of an emergency, parents or carers should reach their child by calling the school’s office. 


The mobile phone policy does allow for a small number of exceptions. For example, where the mobile phone is used to manage a health condition, or to support a classroom learning activity. Teachers can grant a classroom-based learning exception. 


Our school policy is to confiscate mobiles used outside of these guidelines and return them after the completion of 2 after school detentions. We appreciate parental support and understanding in these processes.