Policy on Smoking & Vaping

Due to the inceased activity in this field, we think it appropriate that everyone be reminded of the Department policy on Smoking and Vaping.



The purpose of this policy is to support public health objectives and ensure there is no smoking or use of e-cigarettes (commonly known as 'vaping') on school premises (buildings and grounds), within 4 metres of school entrances or at school sanctioned events held off-premises.


  • In Victoria, a person must not smoke or use e-cigarettes on school premises or within 4 metres of any pedestrian access point to school premises.
  • Inhaling vapour from an e-cigarette is known as ‘vaping’. When using an e-cigarette, the user inhales and exhales the vapour, which can look similar to smoking a cigarette. The prohibition on smoking includes the use of e-cigarettes (vaping) and applies whether or not the e-cigarette contains nicotine.
  • Cigarettes and e-cigarettes cannot be sold to people under 18 years of age.
  • It is a legislative requirement that schools display suitable ‘No Smoking’ signs at all pedestrian access points (entrances) to the school grounds. The legislation defines smoking to include the use of an e-cigarette.
  • In Victoria, a person must not smoke in a motor vehicle if a person under 18 years is also present in the motor vehicle.
  • Smoking and vaping are also not permitted during school events and excursions held off school premises.