Assistant Principal's Report

Miss Carly Epskamp

Welcome to our second newsletter for 2023. We have had an excellent start to the school year and have well and truly started diving into learning challenges with our students. We are seeing some very determined and passionate students across each year level. Keep up the good work DPS students! 


Parent Volunteer Information Session

This morning, I hosted a Parent Information Session for parents who would like to volunteer their time inside the classrooms of DPS. It was a very successful session with lots of families interested in becoming involved and helping out. We look forward to seeing your Working With Children Checks and having you onsite at DPS.






Wishing all of the Level One and Two students a fantastic time at swimming next week. We hope you enjoy your time in the water and practise lots of water safety skills.   


Fathering Project

On Tuesday evening, Kathey Coumaros hosted an online WebEx meeting with the Fathering Project Committee members. They have planned an event "Pizza and Planes" for Thursday 30th March. This event will be a great opportunity for fathers or male role models to come to the event with their child or close contact and connect with other Dads/ male role models. This is something we are very excited about. At past events, we have had a wonderful turn out and look forward to continuing this DPS tradition. More information will be provided in the coming weeks via Compass. 


School hats

Students at DPS are required to wear hats outside at recess and lunchtime. As we have had many extremely hot days, we have also had 'hot day timetables' where students stay inside as it is too hot to be outside. Please ensure your child always has a hat that is clearly labelled and perhaps even a spare hat in their school bag just in case.   


School Values

Please remember our school values: Determination, Pride and Success. Apply these values to all that you do this week and share with your teacher and classmates the one you feel you excelled in.  


Have a fantastic fortnight everyone,

Carly Epskamp