Class Updates and Reminders

Messages from our Learning Levels...

School Dates (Prep to Year 6)

  • Monday 13th March: Labour Day Public Holiday. As this is a public holiday, both SMPS and OSHClub are closed.
  • Thursday 16th March: School Photos. Refer to the 'School Leaders' page for further information.
  • Friday 17th March:  Harmony Week Dress-Up Day. Children and staff are invited to wear clothing that fits 'Harmony Week'. This can be clothing that reflects their cultural background, or wearing the colour orange (the colour of Harmony Week).


Dates to Remember:

  • Tuesday 14th March: Prep students start full days (8:45am - 3:30pm) 
  • Friday 31st March: Teddy Bear Picnic. Parents are invited. Please refer to the Compass Event for more information 


Prep Parent Information Night 

As a team we would like to share a gratitude to all families present Monday evening at our Prep Parent Information Session. To have over 90% of families in attendance, we cannot share how grateful we are. We look forward to working alongside you this year in partnership to support your child to have a solid foundation to the start of their formal education. 


If you have any questions or concerns following the information session, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's classroom teacher. 


Home learning practice 

We have been very impressed with our youngest learners accessing Seesaw and completing at home learning nightly.  Please see below a recommend structure for home learning time each night. 


We have been very impressed with our uniform in Prep. We can see the pride the students have as they walk into school each morning. When undertaking the uniform spot check, it highlighted how strong the uniform is in Prep and your clear understanding of the expectations. 


We do however want to pass on a friendly reminder that all accessories (hair ties and clips) should be navy blue in colour and any student with hair touching their shoulders should have it tied up daily. If you have any questions or concerns arising from this please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's classroom teacher. Thank you again for supporting your child to be in correct and full school uniform. 

Year 1

Dates to Remember: 

  • Tuesday 21st March: FunFit in school visit (P.E uniform) 


Fun Fit!

This term in Science, Year 1 students have been learning about how the human body works. They have explored how the different body systems work together to help us move. In this in school visit, students will have the opportunity to participate in three rotating activities: dance, acrobatics and yoga. The Year 1 students will have lots of fun putting their learning into action in this interactive session. 



Please ensure students are bringing their iPads to school each day fully charged (100%). 

Year 2

Dates to Remember:

  • Tuesday 14th March: Kids in the Kitchen Food Experiences (Cucumber Sandwiches)
  • Tuesday 21st March: Kids in the Kitchen Food Experiences (Tomato Cracker Snack)



We have been so impressed with the homework routines of our Year 2 students. This week, 47 out of 52 students have completed their Mathseeds. We really appreciate your continued support in helping your child to complete their Mathseeds.  Note: Sunday starts the new week.



It has been great to see each class' diary basket full each day. Please continue to support your child to bring their diary to school every day.  Every Monday, your child's teacher will sign their diary. Within the diary, your child can record their 4 nights of reading, including the title of the book, number of pages and minutes read for you to sign.

Year 3

Dates to Remember:

  • Wednesday 15th March: NAPLAN Writing 
  • Thursday 16th March: NAPLAN Reading 
  • Tuesday 21st March: NAPLAN Language Conventions
  • Wednesday 22nd March: NAPLAN Numeracy 
  • Wednesday 22nd March: Democracy and Me (In-Visit)  




Over the next two weeks our wonderful Year 3 students will sit their first NAPLAN tests. To help set them up for success it is important they get a good sleep and eat a healthy breakfast. We ask that you please ensure that your child arrives to school on time every day but especially so over the next couple of weeks. As students will require their devices during these assessments it is important that they are fully charged each day. 


Uniform Expectations

At SMPS, students are required to wear black polishable shoes to school. We have noticed a trend in Year 3 where students are wearing incorrect shoes.  Please see below some examples of appropriate school uniform shoes, and where these can be purchased from.  

Year 4



This week 77 out of 79 students completed their Mathletics homework. This is a great effort, let's aim for 100% next week! Students need to complete between 200-1000 points of Mathletics per week as well as 30 minutes of reading from Monday to Thursday.


Uniform Spot Check

The Year 4 teachers have been impressed at how smart our students are looking in their full school uniform. This week as part of our uniform spot check, it was great to see 89% of Year 4 students wearing appropriate black, polishable shoes and 96% of Year 4 students wearing their full Summer or Winter uniform correctly. Well done Year 4! Can we get 100%?

Year 5

Dates to Remember:

  • Wednesday 15th March: NAPLAN Writing 
  • Thursday 16th March: NAPLAN Reading 
  • Tuesday 21st March: NAPLAN Language Conventions
  • Wednesday 22nd March: NAPLAN Numeracy 



As NAPLAN is fast approaching next week, we ask that all laptops are fully charged the night prior to remove any issues or feeling of stress relating to devices running out of battery.  Please support your child by  encouraging them to charge their device each night, as it is an expectation for Year 5, however especially for the nights prior to our NAPLAN tests. 


Market Materials

As students are exploring our humanities topic of the South Melbourne Primary School Market, they are in the process of creating an object, making it, and promoting it. Students are asked to use the materials provided at school however are welcome to bring supplies from home. If your child is sourcing some materials from home, they need to make their way to school within the next week as there are only a few more weeks in the creation stage of the design cycle. 


Safety When Walking/Riding Home

We understand that in Year 5 we have students who are now walking or riding home on their own. We encourage families to remind their children to be extremely mindful of the roads around our school and to be cautious when dismounting their bikes/scooters. 

Year 6


Market Materials

The Year 6 children are excited to start making crafts for our humanities topic of the South Melbourne Primary School Market. They have worked hard to design and create promotion items. Students are asked to use the materials provided at school however are welcome to bring supplies from home. If your child is sourcing some materials from home, they need to ensure they have everything ready for Wednesday next week as we begin the next stage 'Make'.


Mobile Phones 

We have updated the process that students follow if they must bring a mobile phone or smart watch to school. Instead of signing these in at the School Office (which is often very busy at the start and end of the day), students are now required to hand all phones and smart watches into our Level 4 staff office each day.



Gratitude to everybody’s effort for the uniform spot check. We are very lucky that the Year 6 community members aim to come to school in perfect uniform every day and not just on those spot check days. There was some confusion around mixing uniforms. Please remember that students can wear full winter uniform or full summer uniform, however they can not to mix the two together.