Musical Futures

Music Update
Term 4 is always a busy time of year in the music department, but 2018 is taking this to a whole new level. Our Young Warriors have already been busy entertaining attendees at the Science Expo (ably complimented by a group drawn from the Y8 classroom program) and the school body in a recess concert (covered in a separate article here)…and both of these in the same week! Audience members were universal in their praise of the students professionalism, commitment, and excellent sound.
And we not yet begun to perform! From now until the end of the year, Brookside will be welcoming two other schools (Doveton College and Carranballac College), both of whom also run Musical Futures programs, in collaborative music event that promise to be great learning and developmental opportunities for our musicians and great entertainment for audiences, as well as helping to forge what we hope will be ongoing relationships with the visiting schools.
Our students will also be involved in entertaining visitors to Summerfest later this term, as well as end of year assemblies, the Y9 graduation, and hopefully additional lunch or recess concerts showcasing the great learning occurring in the classroom music programs and Young Warriors.
In addition, the Soundgarage program will be holding it’s end of year concert, featuring the work of students enrolled in instrumental and vocal lessons.
Soundgarage has made a great impact on Brookside’s music program in its brief time at the college, and will continue to offer lessons in 2018….students or parents wanting more information are encouraged to speak with Mr Apted at the school or call Maddie at Soundgarage on 0411694710.
Young Warriors Groups
Last Thursday our Young Warriors Groups put on a fantastic showcase of their music for students and staff. The skill and talent they have worked on throughout the semester and their performances were enjoyed by all.
Their success can attributed to the hard work, dedication and passion they have shown throughout the program. We are looking forward to visits from Carranballac and Timbarra Colleges' Young Warriors groups over the next few weeks, along with plenty of other live performances leading towards the end of the year.
Yours musically,
Brookside's Musical Futures Team.