Year 7-9 Sector

AP News
Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to start by saying a big thank you to the students and staff for their flexibility and understanding during our building works during week two, the works caused some disruption to our teaching and learning program although was some short-term pain for our long term gain. We are looking forward to being able to utilise the new buildings and additional space in the near future.
Congratulations to all of the students who entered projects into the Science Fair on Tuesday and thank you to all of the parents who were able to come and celebrate the students work, the Science Fair was the biggest yet with many impressive projects. It was also pleasing to have our musicians from the young warriors program preforming on the evening, which provided them with yet another opportunity to perform in front of an audience.
We have had a number of the secondary students out and about in the community lately including the Duke of Edinburgh students completing the sailing program at the Victorian Sailing Club, our Book Club students taking part in a creative writing workshop ran by 100 Story Building. A group of our year 9 students attended Melbourne University working with future teachers on best practice.
For the first time at Brookside we are running the BOUNCE Program to help students develop resilience and their decision making to support youth leadership. Martial Arts Therapy has also kicked off for the year and is running weekly for a number of secondary students.
Michael Heyne
Year 7 News
Year 7 Newsletter article – Beginning Term 4
The Year 7 cohort have had a great start to the term 4. We hope everyone has had a good break and is ready for a busy end of year!
Firstly we’d like to congratulate the year 7 girl’s volleyball, boy’s basketball and girl’s table tennis teams for making it to the next stage of the finals for interschool sports. It was a big effort and great to see so many talented athletes.
This term in Math we have been learning ratios and started our unit on transformation. In Science, we have been making Rube Goldberg contraptions using simple machines, and we have just finished our own science expo projects, which were all on display on Tuesday night’s annual Science expo. Everyone put in a lot of effort to present some amazing investigations and experiments. In English we have been focusing on personal identity through the characters of the movie Wreck-it-Ralph. And in Economics, we have been learning about jobs and careers and what qualifications are required in order to get specific jobs. Lastly, in PE we have been learning about water safety.
This has been heaps of fun as we have just started a 3-week long swimming program, where we are learning about water danger statistics, and dangers of water. We have been practicing types of safe entries, how to perform rescue techniques, and which techniques are suitable for the condition of the person being rescued.
A big thanks to all of our teachers for making our subjects as fun as possible.
As we said earlier, this will be a very busy term for the year 7s and there are a lot of things coming up. On Tuesday 23rd of October, we had Brookside’s annual Science expo. There were a large amount of creative and original experiments on the day.
A more detailed report on this day will be coming up soon, but we’d like to give a big thanks to Mr Clark and the other science teachers for holding this event and setting up all of the projects. It was an awesome night!
Coming up, on Thursday 8 November (week 5) all year 7s will attend the Melbourne zoo for a science excursion, to learn all about classification and ecological relationships.
We’d like to remind all students to pay and give consent as soon as possible. Thanks to Ms Salvadori for booking in this event.
Coming up quickly in week 8, we will have our second round of exam revision before our semester two Math and English exams. These exams will include everything from terms 3 and 4. Exams will start the following week (week 9).
In week 10 we will have our 7 to 8 step up day. This is a day where we will be stepping into the shoes of a year 8 student, to learn what the responsibilities and challenges will be for next year. Also in week 10 is Brookside summer fest. This is an event to celebrate everything Brookside related, with music, food and fun games for our community.
Our last week of school is week 11. To celebrate all of the hard work we have done this year, we will be going to Adventure Park in Geelong. We are all super eager for this day and cannot wait for all the fun that awaits. Mr Hermanson has also promised to run a number of fun activities during this term, including a lip sync battle, graffiti wall competition and our last homeroom competition for the year ‘Soldiers and Medics’.
Thanks to all of our teachers for making year 7 so fun. We hope everyone has a great term 4 and enjoys all of the year 7 activities coming up!
Written by
Rudyna Siraje, Adriana Cane, Indianah Attard and Joanne Kloppenburg (7C)
Year 8 News
Time has been flying this term and we are already looking forward to the end of year and what Year 9 holds for us in 2019. The last couple of weeks have been dedicated to learning about and choosing our electives for Year 9 and everyone is excited for the chance to pursue our passions. In week 5, we will be experiencing a little snippet of year 9 electives that we will participate in next year.
We are very lucky to have a wide and exciting range of elective topics that we can choose from. The electives include; Design technology, Digital technology, Drama, Music, Food tech, Woodwork, Outdoor education, Leadership in sport, Events management and French. On the Wednesday of week 5, we will be orienteering and mountain bike riding through the You Yang’s for our Outdoor Education unit in PE Theory which has also seen us setting up tents and cooking noodles in tangias both of which are easier said than done.
During week 5 on Thursday the 8th and Friday 9th of November our Girls Tennis, Girls Volleyball and Mixed Cricket Teams, will be playing in the regional finals for interschool sports. The Friday of that week will also give us a chance to participate in a History Incursion which will centre on Medieval Games which will see all the Year 8s engaging in a practical application of Medieval History.
We would also like to congratulate all the Year 8’s that have completed their science project, they all looked amazing. With the end of year approaching quickly and deciding on electives there is an excitement within the Year 8 classes at what the end of the year and next year will hold.
Millie 8B, Amy 8A and Siobhan 8A.