Prep - 2 Sector

AP News
Dear Parent/Guardians,
Welcome back to Term 4! I hope you enjoyed time together with your family and the beginning of some nice weather during the holidays.
It is hard to believe we are in the final term of the year. Every term is a busy term but as you would be aware Term 4 is especially busy.
There are a number of events to look forward to for our students, staff and wider community. A couple of those events will take place during week 2 which include the Prep Breakfast and Year 1 Stay Late. Both of these events are part of the college’s camping program and support students in the lead up to going on school camp once they enter the Year 3-6 sector. I am sure lots of stories and photos will be shared in an upcoming newsletter celebrating the success of these events.
This term also has a focus on transitions with our 2019 Prep students participating in the transition program during November. Please welcome our new families if you see them around the college.
A reminder that we will be hosting a P-2 sector assembly this term on Tuesday 13th November and welcome family and friends to attend. The assembly will commence at 2:15pm.
I look forward to seeing you at the many events we will be hosting here at the college throughout the term.
Brooke Gillis
Brookside Kinder visits Preps
Last week, the Preps were very excited to have Brookside Kinder visit as part of the Prep 2019 transition program.
The Blue and Red Kinder group spent a morning session with our Preps engaged in songs, reading and creating a craft together.
It was wonderful seeing how settled the Kinder students were coming into the classrooms and the social interactions between all the students.
Our Prep students definitely showed signs of independence and maturity as they assisted the Kinder students with the morning activities.
Year 1 News
As part of our Geography unit, the year one students participated in a geography walk to the Caroline Springs lake. The excursion was split over two days, with three year one grades attending each day. We were very lucky to have experienced beautiful sunshine on both days.
Along the walk, students discussed and evaluated whether or not what we could see was natural, constructed or managed. For example, students looked at the residential areas and discussed that the houses were constructed. They could not be considered natural as they were built by someone and did not just appear.
Students ate their lunches along the lake and were amused by the ducks and swans. After our lunch break we walked back to school. The students and staff had an enjoyable day and it was a great learning experience.
Year 2 News
The Year 2 cohort assembly at the beginning of term celebrated students’ attendance and informed them of the wonderful things they would learn about throughout the term.
For the first 2 weeks students have demonstrated their knowledge in multiplication and division. They have been solving problems, making arrays and lots of skip counting.
During Reading and Writing students have been summarising and writing information reports. The students are learning how to identify important facts in nonfiction texts in their reading lessons and then using this information to write an information report.
They are using features such as book title, contents page, sub headings, diagrams and pictures to assess the importance of these facts. When writing their own information report they are being encouraged to use these features. Students are using a variety of nonfiction books and developing their IT research skills on the ipads to find facts about different topics.
We are really looking forward to the sleep over in a couple of weeks.