Parents and Friends

Brookside Recipe Book -
'The Tastes of Brookside'
Brookside College's first recipe book is coming soon! YAY!! So it's time to order your very own copy or two!
This professionally published book has 120 tasty recipes and pages of colourful artwork. It's an ideal gift for the chefs in your family and a lasting memory of Brookside College.
A limited number are being printed, so don't miss out!
To order: Fill in an order form and return with cash/credit card details in a clearly marked envelope to the front office or your child’s classroom teacher or pay by cash /card at the front office.
Books are only $25 each.
Orders due by Thursday 8 Nov 2018.
Books will be delivered early December.
2018 Halloween Disco
UNIFORM BUY, SWAP, SELL: Wednesday 28 Nov 2018
Parents and Carers of Brookside College students are invited to a Uniform Buy, Swap and Sell between
3:20pm - 4:00 pm on Wednesday 28 November 2018 in the college gym.
Please keep in mind:
*Current Brookside College uniform only
*Cash sales only (bring some change)
*Prices will be set by the seller
*Brookside College are providing the venue only and take no responsibility for transactions
Next Parents and Friends Committee meeting:
9am Friday November 2nd, 2018
College Staff Room.
All welcome!