Administration News

Office Hours
8:15am - 4:00pm
(Closed during school holidays)
Telephone: 7379 1555
Camps, Excursion & Incursion Payments
We are continually trying to improve the way we organise and communicate events to the Brookside community. Part of this process is to ensure that Parents/Carers are given sufficient time to provide payment and consent for upcoming excursions and incursions.
The safety of our students is paramount and having these processes in place helps ensure that we have all of our bases covered when students leave the College under our care.
Visitors to the College
A reminder that all visitors to the College (including Parent Helpers) must report to Reception prior to signing in to the visitor register. In 2018, all Parent Helpers must compete a volunteer induction program and have a valid Working with Children card prior to being allowed to assist in the classroom. For further information on what this involves, please contact the General office or Mrs Seral Fehmi.
Updating contact details
Have you or your family circumstances changed? Mobile phone and email addresses can be updated on Compass. For all other changes, please notify the General Office either in person or via email at
Term Dates
October 8 2018 - December 21 2018
January 29 2019 - April 5 2019
April 23 2019 - June 28 2019
July 15 2019 - September 20 2019
October 7 2019 - December 20 2019
Buy Early Sale Ends October 31!
Get in quick and save, the annual Buy Early Sale ends Wednesday, the 31st of October 2018!
Available from the school Uniform Shop or Dobsons retail stores, now is the time to beat the back to school rush and save on a range of selected items, including:
- Blazers
- Pullovers
- Summer Dresses
- Summer Shirts
- Bags
- Sportswear
With a pain free returns policy, whether your child finds a few extra centimetres over the holiday break or not as many as you’d thought, the Uniform Shop and Dobsons have you covered with free returns and exchanges*.
For further details or to book a professional 20-minute uniform fitting please call the
Uniform Shop on: 8348 5477
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:00pm Sat 8:30am-2:30pm
*Terms & Conditions apply. Sale available in store only.
School Council have recently reviewed and updated the College uniform policy. Please feel free to read this at your leisure.
Community Partnerships
Stevenson House Neighbourhood House Programs October-December
Little Monsters Dance Club @ Brookside
LMDC has landed at Brookside College with their afterschool program, The Travelling Monster Drama and Dance Program.
The program was designed to give all children the chance to use performing arts as a platform for building confidence, creativity and community.
So far the classes have started in Term 4 with a bang! Children involved will have opportunities to perform and share their talent with the community.
They will be performing for the Morton Homestead Planned Activity Group (elderly), the kids will also be performing at the Frank Fitzpatrick Auditorium in Essendon for the Little Monsters Dance Club Recital “It’s Stage Time!”. They will also make a guest appearance at the BEST FEST FESTIVAL!
So many wonderful opportunities
If you would like to support Little Monsters Dance Club live onstage in their end of year recital on Friday December 7th at 6pm, tickets can be purchased via Try Booking at:,
Keep an eye out on compass for 2019 classes, as places are limited and fill up very fast!
We also have a little something for the mum’s, our Dance Date Series is a Tuesday Session run at the Brookside Community Centre 10:15-11:00am, $10 a session. This is a great way to keep fit, have a dance, laugh and make a friend or two!
For more info contact: