Book Club
Book Club
Welcome to the new school year. Scholastic Book Club catalogues have been given out this week to all Primary and Infants classes. There are some wonderful books in the catalogues and at great prices. Thank you to all our families who have supported the school using Book Club throughout the years. Schools earn 20% in Scholastic Rewards on all Book Club orders to help obtain more books and additional learning resources for the classroom and library. One Scholastic Reward = One Dollar.
You can order Book Club online through LOOP. Please see below for details. The books will be delivered to the school.
If you would like to order books as a gift for a child at any time please attach a note to your order and you will be contacted when the books arrive.
Issue 1 book club orders are due back at school by Monday, 18 February. If you have any questions please contact Michelle Cusack.
How to order Book Club Online