Completion of Property Transfer

The transfer of the properties from the Brigidine and Presentation Sisters to Kildare Ministries is now complete. While the process has taken considerable time it has been completed carefully and with great respect for all involved.
The words of Trish Buckley, after signing the transfer of Brigidine Indooroopilly, perhaps sum up the feelings of Brigidine and Presentation sisters who are bequeathing the properties to Kildare Ministries:
“Congratulations on the completion of the signing over of Indooroopilly. For me, I felt a twinge of sadness at the final giving over! I was thinking of all our Sisters who have had a part to play in the growth of the College over all the 90 years!! What a bequest!
I pray for all who minister and have a part to play in the new growth and care of our youth. In letting go there is room for new life to sprout forth!”
Janet Cribbes, Chair of the Wellsprings Board also addressed the significant event in the Wellsprings Annual Report.
"The final ritual for the transfer of land to Kildare Ministries was a significant occasion for Presentation Sisters Victoria. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Presentation Sisters for their years of stewardship and financial support. The transition to Kildare Ministries leadership has been smooth, welcoming, supportive and full of hope for the future of Wellsprings for Women."
I would like to thank the Leadership Teams for the generous spirit in which the process has been undertaken. I also wish to acknowledge with appreciation the assistance of Josephine Heesh and former Associate, Jessica Lobow, from law firm of Carroll & O’Dea, and to Ric Birkett from Aitken Partners for their professionalism, attention to detail and their sensitivity to the process of transfer. We have valued their advice all along the way.
Maree Marsh
Co-Chair of the Trustees of Kildare Ministries
National Redress Scheme
Kildare Ministries will be a participating institution under the National Redress Scheme as will the Brigidine Sisters and the Presentation Sisters.
This means that any person who has experienced sexual abuse in our ministries will have their claim assessed through the Scheme. It will provide survivors of institutional child sexual abuse access to a personal approach including apology, counselling and monetary payments through an independent process.
Kildare Ministries takes responsibility for the ministries from the date at which the Constitution of each ministry was changed to reflect the Trustees of Kildare Ministries as the Member of the Company. Prior to that date the Congregations will be the responsible entity for any claims through the Redress Scheme.