Farewells to outgoing Board and Stewardship Chairs 

Michael Doyle

Michael Doyle began his long association with the Brigidine Sisters and Brigidine schools in the early 1980’s.  As a Principal of Clonard College from 1994 to 2006, he was a strong, passionate leader.  Staff and students remember him with respect and affection.  

Subsequently he was a vital member of the Brigidine Secondary schools’ Council (BSSC).  In this role, he developed policies and guidelines for all aspects of school life, established the Relief Fund to help students in need, all the time quietly bringing to the fore the real issues in education. Michael’s emphasis was always on teaching and learning; assessment of student work (including goal based learning) was a shared passion. Michael was always interested in developing the most engaging and sound Religious Education. 

Michael offered leadership and service to the schools and wisdom to the planning for the future of these schools.  One aspect of this work was strengthening the local arm of school governance through the Stewardship Councils.  We travelled many many km to attend meetings of Councils and Committees.  On Thursdays nights we had a terrible program about cars that Michael insisted on listening to on the way home!

Michael recognised the value of shared culture in the schools and one contribution to this was organising the first pilgrimage to Ireland.  Everyone marvelled at his efficiency and lack of fuss.

Michael was also a member of the Brigidine Sponsorship Group – a group that had the overall governance responsibility for the schools.  The members of this group were drawn from the Brigidine Sisters Leadership team and Michael was also a valued member.  The Sponsorship Group worked to move to a new form of governance – Kildare Ministries.   

Michael then assumed the role of Chair of Kildare Education Ministries (KEM).

Michael has always had a clear vision looking for the common good and justice that, above all, targeted the inclusion of the most vulnerable.  Developing the Brigidine Core Values was really important to Michael. 

Michael was more than competent in figures and finance.  He established great relationships with the schools’ Business Managers and put the school finances on a firm footing.  

Michael had an amazing ability to work with people – an amazing model of leadership – quiet, consistent, strategic in best sense of the word.

He had a wider educational influence than with Brigidine schools and Kildare Ministries.  In particular he helped establish CRV Education and that has proven to be a strong influence in getting leaders of Congregational colleges to work closely together and share new directions in governance. 

Michael has been a wonderful person and leader over many years.  An unobtrusive leader – but a leader in the best sense of the word.  He embodied servant leadership before anyone used the term

He is a wise, fair, patient, loyal and humorous man.

Michael you have been such a leader and the world has been a better place for your presence and the education offered in what were Brigidine schools and now Kildare Ministries are your lasting legacy.  On behalf of all of us – thank you.

Judith Ratican and Dr. Wendy Dick

Judith Ratican (right), departing Chair of the Kildare College Stewardship Council
Judith Ratican (right), departing Chair of the Kildare College Stewardship Council



On behalf of Kildare Ministries, Morag Fraser presented Judith Ratican with a gift as a token of gratitude for Judith's commitment and dedication to the Kildare College Stewardship Council. 





Dr. Wendy Dick (left), departing Chair of the Stewardship Council at Killester College
Dr. Wendy Dick (left), departing Chair of the Stewardship Council at Killester College



Although Dr. Wendy Dick could not attend on the day, Gabrielle England spoke about the many years of service and devotion Dr. Dick has given to girls' education at Killester College. 





Kildare Ministries would  like to express their gratitude and well wishes for the future to both Judith  and Wendy.