Secondary News

2023 Booklists

Collins Booksellers will be offering all 2023 textbooks for sale online. Please see attached information sheet detailing books required and instructions for ordering. Please read carefully the information regarding which Maths textbook your child will need. An email has been sent to those families who require the book for the higher level classes. Books will need to be ordered and paid in full by November 18, 2022. If you are unable to order online, please contact Collins Books directly to make alternative arrangements.


Year 8 Horror & Supernatural Elective

Our Year 8 Horror & Supernatural elective students have been busy apple carving to celebrate Halloween. Students spent time designing what they were going to carve into their apples and then went to work! 



Year 9/10 International Cookery

Our 9/10 International Cookery class embraced the theme of Halloween during class today.

Oh so spooky!



The Fridge Challenge

What can you cook with what’s in your fridge? 

Let our Year 8s show you what they created!




BYOD Expectations for Secondary Students

Merbein P-10 College is proudly a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) school and as such we utilise technology to complement and add to student learning in all subject areas. 


This term, many students have not been regularly bringing their devices to class and this is impacting on their learning opportunities.


We request that you please support us by ensuring that your child has a working device that is charged and brought to school every day.


If a BYOD requires repair, families need to arrange it themselves. It is important that repairs are undertaken in a timely way, so that students’ learning is not negatively impacted. If the repair will take some time, or if a student does not currently have access to a device, students are encouraged to collect and complete an application form to be a part of the College’s netbook borrowing scheme.  This form is available from the Front Office.


If you have any questions about our BYOD Program, please contact Laura McPhee.


Expressions of Interest - Instrumental Music Lessons

School Uniform

All students of Merbein P-10 College are expected to wear full school uniform that bear the College logo every day. The uniform must be worn to and from school, at lunchtime and recess, and on all school excursions. At all times the manner in which the uniform is worn will reflect pride in the College. This means that, the uniform: 

  • will be clean and in a state of good repair,
  • worn without non-uniform garments being visible (only plain white or plain black shirts are acceptable to be worn under the school polo top or shirt, not hoodies).
  • School shorts and pants, should be completely black however minimal branding (Adidas, Nike etc). Black football shorts are not suitable school uniform.
  • Hats and beanies are not to be worn inside.
  • Students may wear the official school sports shirt to or from school if they have P.E. session 1 or 5. No other sports clothes may be worn to or from school, or at recess or lunchtime.
  • Parents/guardians are expected to inform the College through a written note, email or phone call of any temporary variation to their child’s uniform. The note should contain a reason, date and an expected date of return to full school uniform

School Phone Policy

Students who choose to bring mobile phones to school must have them switched off and securely stored during school hours in their locker. If students are caught on their phone between 9am-3:17pm the following actions will occur:


1st Offence -phone is confiscated and stored in the main office. Phone will be returned to student at end of the day


2nd Offence- phone is confiscated and stored in the main office. Parent will be required to collect the phone.


3rd Offence- phone is confiscated and stored in the main office. Parent will be required to collect the phone. Student will be required to hand their phone to the front office each morning or leave their phone at home for a period of time determined by the Principal/Assistant Principal


4th Offence- meeting with the Principal and a suspension may be applied


Please contact Mr Morgan if you have any queries regarding the phone policy.


Doctors In Secondary Schools Program

Our Doctors in Secondary Schools program is available for all secondary students to access free (bulk-billed), confidential health care at school. This is a fantastic service which students can access for any of their health care needs including asthma/anaphylaxis plans, catch-up immunisations, mental/emotional health and any other medical concerns no matter how big or small. Students can see the school doctor for any reason that they would see their usual GP.

The rooms will be open every Wednesday during the school term from 9am – 2pm. Students can make appointments by contacting Amy in the general office or they can ask a teacher or wellbeing staff member to make the appointment for them – the only details required to make an appointment will be the student’s name and date of birth.

Parents are welcome to attend appointments if the student wishes.



School Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPB)