
Mr Chris Grimmer

Building Project News

Since our last full newsletter, the rain has certainly made life difficult with the Science Centre build. The builders are approximately two weeks behind with the exterior work, but around two weeks ahead on the internal works due to the impacts of the weather. Concreting was scheduled for this week but could not go ahead, but plastering, painting and the grid ceiling was fitted. Hopefully cladding will start shortly and the joinery will be completed in around two weeks. 

Partnership with Corwin Australia - update

Since our last update, staff have spent two professional learning meetings documenting the dispositions & practice (pedagogy) required for quality teaching at Merbein p-10 College. They have also set two individual goals for areas of development that they are committed to for the remainder of Term 4. Just like our students, we are all life long learners who strive for improvement every day.

Reminder - Final Student Free Days for 2022

The two remaining student free days for 2022 will be held on Monday 31st October (the day before the Melbourne Cup holiday) and Monday 19th December (the second last day of Term 4). Staff are required to attend on these days to complete professional learning and to also move classrooms in preparation for Stage 2 of the building project, which will begin in Term 1 2023. However, students do not attend school on these days.